When a C You Spy, Make Sure There Are 3

Can you “C” the problem?
Conference attendees were amused (not the Executive Director) to find a C missing from our logo on the beautiful blue conference cups. Our providing company dropped a C from the USMCCCA logo.
The cups were shipped prior to the conference to President Bill Hauptfleisch who immediately opened one of the four cartons and quickly informed CCHQ of the missing C. The company was advised, admitted the mistake and agreed to ship another four cartons in time for the conference – except they sent them to CCHQ in Florida and not to Bill in Virginia. When the ExDir returned from a brief vacation he found the four cartons nestled into his carport. The company, by this time quite embarrassed, said they would make good on the order.
The ExDir, curious to see the corrected cups, opened a carton and found that not only had the additional C not been added, but the white lettering (as ordered) came out red! Upshot: Our cup order for 2014 is “on their house” with a promise that they will be inspected as to our specs. As to the four cartons in Florida: A local soup kitchen will soon have four cartons of free mugs, albeit with a missing C. Lest someone argue we should change companies, they have always come through in the past…we’ll hang with them!