Want to help your association? Got a little time right now?

Don Gee, Kate Stark and Mike Pitts in the hospitality suite in New York circa . Don and Mike adopted a young Lance Corporal Stark at a conference in Long Beach circa 1982 and it began a decades-long friendship/mentorship. Sadly they have passed. Do you have photos or stories like this? (I can see a younger Chas Henry in the background).
PHOTOS/STORIES: Go through your old photos/stories. If you have any photos of Marine photographers, cameramen, broadcasters, journalists or communicators, scan them or send them to USMCCCA Headquarters. (Please indicate if you want them returned.)
ESTATE PLANNING: We don’t wanna die. But most of us do. It would be really great if you could indicate to your survivors that any USMCCCA-related photos, letters, etc., they don’t want, be donated to the USMCCCA.
PRE-OBITS: Give those of us left behind a break. We’re grieving your loss. Write your own obit. Who knows what you’ve done better than you? At the bottom write-last updated (date). Then send to CCHQ. Let your survivors know, you made a start and they can get them from us.
CALL MEMBERS: Our membership roster is woefully out of date. It needs a complete scrub for accuracy. We have about 330 members that have not been updated. We need volunteers to call, write, visit these people and get valid contact info from them.
TYPISTS: We ran a survey a couple years ago to get more info about the CC Members. We received about a hundred back BUT, I type slow as dirt, so if anyone wants to input data into an excel sheet. let me know.
SEA STORIES: Who doesn’t love a good tale about CC’s? If you’ve got a good story please send it to us and include photos, art, whatever. We have a lot of authors in our membership. Send us your book/press release. We are happy to brag about our members.
Send to: hq@usmccca.org
USMCCCA Headquarters
2519 NW 67th Terr
Gainesville, FL 32606
Again, thank you for your membership and we’d love to hear from you on how you are coping during this time of Quarantine.
— Kate Stark, Executive Director, USMCCCA