USMCCCA Foundation Scholarships Announced
The USMCCCA Foundation Scholarship committee, headed by Sally Pritchett, has announced two winners of scholarships for the coming academic year.

Sarah Pacheco
Sarah Pacheco, a 2011 scholarship winner, will receive a $3,000 Foundation grant for general studies under the Gladys McPartland Scholarship award category. She is currently attending Germanna Community College studying to complete her Associates of Science Degree. This is her second year at Germanna taking prerequisite courses to transfer to Virginia Tech next year where she will pursue a Bachelors Degree in Environmental Science. “I am very excited to continue my education and the award is a huge help. Thank you again.” Sarah is the daughter of long time CC, Manny Pacheco.

Sgt. Randy Clinton
Sgt. Randy Clinton will receive a $3,000 USMCCCA Scholarship for Communications Studies. He is an active duty Marine sergeant stationed in the Division of Public Affairs, New York Branch Office. His photography and multimedia work has been recognized by the USMCCCA’s Merit Awards, DoD’s Military Photographer of the Year contest and the National Association of Press Photographers. He was selected to attend the Eddie Adams Workshop and the DoD’s Worldwide Photo Workshop. Randy has authored op-ed pieces for the New York Times and the Marine Corps Gazette. A pair of his non-fiction works were recently published in a veterans anthology book. He also created and helps manage the largest social media group of military photographers, videographers, writers and other creatives on Facebook, “Improving Military Visual Content.” Randy is attending Fordham University, N.Y.