Tuthill promoted to Gunny

GySgt. Brian Tuthill
Elsewhere on today’s pages we saw with great pleasure Brian Tuthill promoted to gunnery sergeant while going to college under a Corps’ program that will ultimately see him graduated a second lieutenant.
We met this young Marine when he was a corporal at a USMCCCA Conference a number of years back. Having seen a M.A.S.H. TV show where Tuthill was a figment of Hawkeye’s imagination and inserted to drive everyone nuts, when we met Brian the name immediately jogged our MASH memory and we started kidding him about it even then. We also managed to follow his career; met him again during a Hawaii trip, then more often when he was stationed at DINFOS. He often turns up at our yearly conferences and remains a strong member even today. Obviously, the Marine Corps still recognizes talent and we wish this young Marine all the best. He is, and will continue to be a fine leader of Marines.