Tired of the Cold and Snow? Come to Florida May 9

CC Betsy Judge plays in the Annual Golf Tournament held by the Florida Chapter of the USMCCCA at the Ridgewood Lakes Golf Club in Davenport, Fl. June 12, 2012
Okay Northern golfers. If you are tired of the constant freezing weather and daily snow falls, this is your chance to come to a warmer clime, get warm and help our Foundation help the Injured Marines Semper Fi Fund as well as our Foundation scholarship fund.
As this is being written, it is 82 degrees in sunny Central Florida and is likely to stay that way through May 9, the date of the 10th version of our annual event, at the Ridgewood Lakes Golf Club in Davenport, Fl. Ceremonies begin at 8 a.m. with play following immediately. Your tournament fee of $65 entitles you to golf, cart, lunch and all the free Heineken product you can handle.
Since its inception 10 years ago, more than $70,000 has been sent to the Foundation to assist the Injured Marines Semper Fi Fund, Oceanside, CA as well as our two annual scholarships. We might point out that there are dozens of golf tournaments at this time of year in Central Florida and we are competing with some with much larger budgets and much more help than we have. We’re proud that our Central Florida Chapter is able to pull this off with no more than 8-10 helpers each year.
If you can make it, email James “Red” Carpenter at JCar1@tampabay.rr.com. If you cannot and still want to help Red, the Chapter and the IMSFF, send your gift in any amount to him made out to the USMCCCA Foundation and send it to 1072 Greenturf Road, Spring Hill, FL. 34608.