The William Salazar Television Spot Production Award: Bruestle, Williams, Brofer

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The William Salazar Television Spot Production Award 1st Place: LCpl. Corio Bruestle

The William Salazar Television Spot Production Award 1st Place: LCpl. Corio Bruestle

1st Place: LCpl. Corio Bruestle, DMA Iwakuni
The spot started out as a simple panning shot of men waiting for treatment in a medical clinic. But along came a cart, which Bruestle used to prop his camera and improvise a trucking shot, complete with fake blood, bandages and neck brace for the patient. Bruestle used Johnny Cash’s rendition of “Hurt” for cover music. “Being flexible,” said Bruestle, “made for a much better production.”

2nd Place: GySgt. Steven Williams, DMA Crystal City Marines

Honorable Mention: Sgt. Jennifer Brofer, Marines TV