The Director’s Cut: DivPA’s Monthly Newsletter

Col. Bryan Salas
The Director’s Cut: DivPA’s Monthly Newsletter to the Marine Corps’ PA Community is now online you can download it here
Marines –
Today’s commanders must understand the battle of narratives as well as they understand the application of violence. Surrendering the narrative may not have the harsh, immediate, and tangible consequences of the inappropriate application of violence, but it can be deadly over time. For example, public outcry over the abuse of detainees at Abu Ghraib Prison abuse caused the release of known insurgents. These insurgents returned to combat and killed Marines.
The former ISAF commander, as profiled in Rolling Stone Magazine, also failed to win the narrative. Building relationships with the adjacent staffs, our national leaders, allied and coalition leaders, and the media, are keys to winning the understanding and trust necessary for ensuring the national will.
These instances are failures of Strategic Communication. The failure of leadership to ensure standards in Abu Ghraib, and the failure of the leadership to create respect and harmony between ISAF staffs, undermined the foundation of sound policy and performance.
Competing narratives fly over the information battlespace like rocket-propelled grenades. Today’s public affairs officers, more than ever, are essential in understanding and winning the narrative. This battle is not won through slick public relations spin, but through the methodical buildup of results that develop over time into a trusting relationship.
The Marine Corps relies on you to advise the commander on a comprehensive communication campaign developed with critical thought and executed with decisive action.
Learn and practice the Marine Corps Planning Process. Public affairs is integral in the initial steps of problem framing. Participate in the operational planning teams. Ensure communication considerations are part of the commander’s initial planning guidance and intent.
Through professional reading, expand your understanding of the human condition and increase your value as a contributing member of the staff. Use that insight and knowledge of the cultural nuances involved in communication and understanding to inform staff planning.
You are a MAGTF-officer who must be capable in all aspects of military arts – including the art of the narrative.
Thanks for your continued service.
Semper Fidelis!
Colonel Bryan Salas