The Director’s Cut: DivPA’s May Newsletter online

Col. Bryan Salas
The Director’s Cut: DivPA’s Monthly Newsletter to the Marine Corps’ PA Community is now online you can download it here
Marine Corps Combat Correspondents achieved unprecedented honors this year as you swept the Defense Department’s Thomas Jefferson Awards.
“Unprecedented and historic,” is how the chief of combat correspondents, MGySgt Phil Mehringer described the accomplishment.
Among ten of the awards taken were the best writer, photographer, broadcaster, and new writer categories. This success is first and foremost due to the vision, perseverance, and creative genius of the Marines who did the work. I also want to thank the junior and senior leaders who stood behind their Marines to foster a command climate that encourages this type of success.
I briefed the Commandant on this achievement and he is extremely proud of your accomplishments.
Of course we cannot rest on our laurels. This is the start of a team that will dominate the DoD program for years to come! You built this house! Savor this victory. Continue to share the courage of our Marines – your work will resonate throughout history.
Semper Fidelis! – Colonel Bryan Salas