The Director’s Cut: DivPA’s January Newsletter online

Col. Bryan Salas
The Director’s Cut: DivPA’s Monthly Newsletter to the Marine Corps’ PA Community is now online you can download it here
Marines –
January is here! Hit the ground running! Part of the end state in the Director’s Guidance “Share the Courage” discusses the PAO’s role on the staff. It says that we…“actively participate in operational planning and provide sage counsel in a variety of issues across the command.” One of the great things about being a PAO is that we get to work on all the significant issues from operations to criminal action. Help the command out and help yourself by ensuring there are well-developed public affairs plans to address these key issues.
This sounds like a “no-brainer,” however when was the last time you developed a well-staffed PA plan that was briefed to the commander in conjunction with the ops plan? Don’t wait to be tasked to develop a plan – produce and brief the PA work that helps ensure success of the program.
Ensure your weekly briefs reflect that you are relevant to the commander. Unsure if you are being effective? Ask for help from senior public affairs officers or a mentor from your own staff. Do not wait for a mentor to reach out to you. Seek assistance and guidance from leaders you respect and wish to emulate. From recruiting station to HQMC – be an active participant in planning and a sage counselor to your staff!
Good luck and Semper Fidelis!
— Colonel Bryan Salas