Sixty-two years later…

LCpl. Michael Rogers, Parris Island PAO staff member and mascot Legend, greet USMCCCA Executive Director Jack Paxton during a recent visit. Below is the current Parris Island mascot in action with Rogers as his handler.
On the 62 anniversary of my graduation from recruit training at Parris Island, I returned as a guest of Brig. Gen. Lori Reynolds for the graduation ceremonies of Company L, 3d Recruit Training Battalion on Friday, February 10. While I had no graduating recruit in the ceremony you could say each of the young warriors passing in review reflected the pride I had in March of 1950 when Pfc. Paxton proudly marched on the same “grinder” now named in honor of another old friend, Maj. Gen. Oscar Peatross.
This was not my first visit since my graduation. I served two tours at Parris Island, the first right out of boot camp in the Informational Services Office and the second, from 1957-1959 as editor of the Boot Newspaper. I also spent the summer of 1956 on TAD during the infamous McKeon Trial. When my oldest son, Jeff, graduated in 1974 I was privileged to take his graduation review. I later returned in the mid-eighties as guest of the Marine Corps Recruiting Command on a Command Visit Program.
I mention these visits because in each I witnessed change – both in Depot structures and in the quality of Marines produced. While we thought we were the best trained, I would submit today’s Marines are receiving instruction that we could only have hoped for. Some will continue to say: “Well, back in the Old Corps, things were different!” We should be glad for the difference!
We were privileged to meet with the Public Affairs staff of both the MCRD and the 6th Marine Corps District, which is now headquartered at Parris Island during our visit and, like the quality of recruits being prepared, I can assure you that Marine Corps Public Affairs is alive and well — Jack Paxton, Executive Director