Sharon Fox – Candidate for Board of Directors
Editors Note: For the first time in many years, we have five candidates for two open seats on the Association’s Board of Directors. We are introducing you to one candidate per day, in no particular order. Please remember to vote via absentee ballot if you cannot be at the annual business meeting in Atlanta Aug. 19-23.
Candidate 5 of 5

Sharon Fox
Sharon Fox currently works as the first former combat correspondent and MPA ever hired to work on the Marine Corps account at J. Walter Thompson. She is in her second year as the account executive for 8th MCD.
After leaving the Corps as a sergeant, Fox tried, and excelled at, various occupations, including retail sales, culinary school and the restaurant and fine dining industry. She also served as an online contributor for D Magazine and marketing specialist at a boutique marketing firm.
She earned her Bachelor’s Degree in May, 2018 and walked as an honor graduate at Harvard University.
If elected, Fox aims to make the USMCCCA more appealing to younger Marines coming up through the ranks, by increasing our social media footprint and updating our brand.
“Storytellers are not just writers, photographers or broadcasters any more — they are social media mavens, graphic artists and creative geniuses who are not limited to one medium,” Fox said. “We must modernize our image to get their attention — then they may begin to appreciate the value of becoming members and continuing our legacy. I would be honored to help the USMCCCA evolve into an organization that honors our past, but invests even more in our future.”