Seeking photos from ComCam Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell
Melanie Cunningham is producing a biographical documentary about the American economist Thomas Sowell, to be broadcast on public television.
Dr. Sowell was drafted into the US Marine Corps during the Korean War. He was stationed at Camp Lejeune (’52-’53), where he was part of the Combat Camera unit. Corporal Sowell was part of the first wave of graduates from Pensacola Naval Air Station photography school to be stationed at Camp Lejeune and I believe he was mustered out on the 5th of August or September 1953.
Cunningham is seeking some photos he might have taken during that time. She says one of Corporal Sowell’s assignments was to photograph the Marine reservists taking their summer training at Camp Lejeune.
If you can help, please contact CCHQ 352-448-9167.