San Diego Chapter reactivates!

SSgt Luis Agostini, President of the newly reactivated USMCCCA San Diego Chapter
Below is the roster of the reactivated United States Marine Corps Combat Correspondents Association-San Diego Chapter. The individuals listed below are current dues-paid members, and comprise the mandatory minimum (8) members required to launch a chapter. Also the chapter officers, with the exception of Vice President, have been decided on during the initial meeting in Carlsbad.
Next schedule meeting is 1300 on 22 July, location TBD (on/near Camp Pendleton). Primary goals will be increased exposure to potential chapter members (junior public affairs Marines), chapter annual dues collection ($5 Sgts and Below, $10 SNCOs/Officers and affiliate members) and reiteration of chapter mission, outlook and benefits.USMCCA San Diego Chapter
1. Luis Agostini – President (active duty public affairs chief with Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton Public Affairs)
2. Jennifer Brofer – secretary (active duty public affairs chief with 1st Marine Logistics Group)
3. Tiffany Carter – treasurer (active duty external information chief for Marine Corps Air Station Miramar)
4. Heidi Agostini – (active duty combat correspondent with I Marine Expeditionary Force)
5. Steven Williams – regular member (active duty public affairs chief with Marine Corps Air Station Miramar)
6. Eugenio Montanez – lifetime member (purple heart recipient, active duty combat correspondent with 1st Marine Division)
7. Alfred Lopez – regular member (active duty combat correspondent with 1st Marine Division)
Affiliate Member
8. Alicia Dean, general assignment producer, NBC San Diego