Roger Combs in hospice care

L-R: Charles Rowe, Bob Springer, Roger Combs, Mark Thiffault Taken in 2008 at Camp Pendleton
From: The Tribal Elder
Many of us know and have served with Roger Combs. He was for many years a mainstay of the San Diego Chapter. Until recent years he was actively involved and we could always count on a DPA sponsorship in the name of the San Diego Chapter from he and Bob Springer. We received the following email, written by Roger, to Bob and others this morning: An MRI scan a week ago shows cells now in the brain. Fast-moving little buggers! So include the lungs, spleen, and liver in only a few weeks, the prognosis is not so good.
Put myself on Hospice care two days ago after consultation with doctors, family and friends. They will take care of everything for comfort without any attempt at cures; no pain.
I’m on oxygen 24/7 and have lost my voice so can’t talk on phones. Seing double and flashing lights some of the time. Family takes turns coming by each day and Sue has been here for 3 weeks, cooking, cleaning and driving. We’re covered all ways.
Reduced pill intake by half and added a couple of new ones, just in case. Spend a lot of time sleeping in my recliner day and night, but feel OK otherwise.
— Roger