Recruiting Command Awards Top Marketing Marine to Lodder

Sgt. Reece E. Lodder, Marketing and Public Affairs Marine, Recruiting Station Seattle, received the award of fiscal year 2014 MPA of the Year from Maj. Gen. Mark A. Brilakis, commanding general, Marine Corps Recruiting command, during a ceremony here. Lodder was also awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation medal for his efforts. MPAs serve as force multipliers to the Marine Corps’ advertising programs within the Recruiting Command, and assist in generating leads for the recruiters. Pictured from left to right are Sgt. Maj. Samuel Heyward Jr., Sergeant Major, MCRC, Sergeant Reece E. Lodder and Maj. Gen. Mark A. Brilakis
Story by Cpl. Francisco Martinez
Marine Corps Recruiting Command
QUANTICO, Va. – The commanding general of Marine Corps Recruiting Command (MCRC) honored the fiscal year 2014 Marketing and Public Affairs (MPA) Marine of the Year here, Jan. 29, for consistently going above the call of duty and displaying exceptional work ethic in all of his responsibilities.
Sergeant Reece E. Lodder, MPA of Recruiting Station Seattle, was recognized as the nation’s MPA of the Year and was awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation medal.
“I am truly honored to receive the award,” said Lodder. “There was a lot of hard work, time and effort put into it, but it really is a reflection of family, friends, and all the people who have supported me throughout this time.”
While dedication to service and commitment to excellence are ideals all Marines live by, Lodder’s performance over the past year surpassed that of his peers, the 47 other MPAs throughout the nation.
Lodder rose to the top through three distinct levels of competition. Each of the six recruiting districts selects the best performing Marine from the eight MPAs in its area of operation. Those nominees then compete at the Eastern and Western Recruiting Regions, where one is selected to represent his or her half of the nation. Finally, a MCRC board receives the submissions to select the MPA of the Year.
MPAs directly support Marine recruiters by generating awareness through marketing and advertising initiatives. They serve as a support unit for the recruiters that ultimately creates leads for the recruiters to obtain qualified applicants.
“There’s a lot of ways our efforts support recruiting,” Lodder said. “Anywhere from advertising, getting our name and brand out there, marketing, getting to events where we can put our recruiters right with potential applicants, there’s a ton of different programs we end up working with.”
In the past year, Sgt. Lodder conducted 44 media visits, which enhanced public awareness throughout the recruiting station’s area of operation, arranged for the placement of 124 billboards which increased brand awareness in his area, and set up 94 enhanced area canvassing events that generated 5,615 qualified recruiting leads. He also made considerable strides on social media.
The MPAs are force multipliers to the advertising program within the Recruiting Command, said Dan Weidensaul, Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff, Advertising, MCRC. What they bring is the ability to analyze and capitalize on marketing leads in their local recruiting areas, he said.
In his first year filling the billet as MPA for Recruiting Station (RS) Seattle, Sgt. Lodder managed to make key improvements within his area of operations, assisting MCRC in their recruiting efforts.
Lodder takes a holistic approach in Seattle, said Capt. David Baugh, Public Affairs Officer, 12th Marine Corps District. He does not solely focus on the RS, but instead, he works for MCRC as a whole. His approach to social media is unparalleled. He has helped show how vital social media is to recruiting and he is constantly exceeding expectations and coming up with new ideas and thoughts for how public affairs can support the RS, said Baugh.
Lodder said although he had made it a personal goal to win MPA of the Year during his assignment as an MPA, winning it in the first year was unexpected. He added that he looks forward to the future experiences he will have as the MPA of RS Seattle.