Oct. Director’s Cut

Col. Bryan Salas
The Director’s Cut: DivPA’s Monthly Newsletter to the Marine Corps’ PA Community is now online you can download it here
Marines –
It is with solemn regret that I note the death of 20-year-old LCpl Ralph Fabbri, combat camera Marine, who was killed in action last month in Afghanistan. I did not know Ralph personally, but mourn his death and honor his family’s sacrifice within the greater public affairs community.
His loss is a reminder to all of us of the lethality of our profession and of the requirement to be ready to fight and win in combat.
Combat readiness is both a personal and leadership responsibility. Continue to develop your expertise in the warfighting tasks – from martial arts to marksmanship.
Previous months discussed the battle of the narrative, strategic communication and the value of the Corps to our Nation. While these remain our professional focus, LCpl Fabbri’s service reminds us to treasure our work, our colleagues, and our families.
Semper Fidelis!
Colonel Bryan Salas