New USMCCCA logo on gear, ready for orders

Don’t wait! Get your new logo gear now. Currently, there is a $25 discount if you order $75 or more at the USMCCCA GEAR STORE. Click on the photo, the links below or the button on the right sidebar.
A number of years ago we developed a USMCCCA Store jointly with Queensboro Shirt Company of Wilmington, NC. Basically, we were looking for quality clothing that would identify wearers as members of the USMCCCA. We developed what some might call a “sport” logo with the letters USMCCCA on the flag over the Eagle, Globe and Anchor. Because folks would ask us what the USMCCCA stood for we have decided to try to duplicate our official logo.
Queensboro designers worked with us for a basic design and we then sent it to our USMCCCA and Foundation Board members for comment. And, we received some: Too large… the Cs are not large enough… can we change the colors? We listened.
On April 9 we journeyed to Queensboro’s factory in Wilmington and approved what we think is a very nice looking logo for shirts and a distinctive cap logo for both CCs and Combat Camera Marines. When you click on USMCCCA GEAR to the right side of our website sidebar and click on an item for sale that new logo will open showing how it looks with the color selected. Please note that the lettering surrounding the shirt and cap logos can change depending on basic color selected.
We also have worked out an arrangement with Queensboro that will enable us to tell you when certain items will go on sale. (Currently, Take 20% Off – No Minimum! Enter Coupon Code SF5429 In The Shopping Cart To Save!)
Lastly, the price shown includes a 20% markup that goes into our USMCCCA general fund and hopefully will help us keep conference prices from climbing – IF you shop with us!