Miller: General passes

MajGen Donald E.P. “Dep” Miller
Life Member Major General Donald E.P. “Dep” Miller, USMC Retired, passed away November 14, 2012, at the age of 77. Condolence letters can sent to his wife, Dixie L. Miller at this address:
Mrs. Dixie L. Miller
5100 John D Ryan Blvd Apt 145
San Antonio, TX 78245-3546
In accordance with Gen Miller’s wishes, there will be no services. His body has been donated to the UTHSC for the advancement of medical science. Memorial contributions may be made to the AFVII, HCC, Freedom House, or the Shriners Hospitals for Children.
Shriners Hospitals for Children
12502 USF Pine Drive, Tampa, FL
(813) 972-2250
Major General Miller was born on February 25, 1935 in Morrill, Kansas. He was commissioned through the Naval Aviation Cadet Program and received his wings in September 1958. He joined Marine Fighter Squadron 334 (VMF-334), Marine Aircraft Group 33 at Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro, Calif., in October 1958. In January 1962, he deployed to the Naval Air Station, Atsugi, Japan as a member of the Marine Fighter Squadron 451 (VMF-451). He returned to the 3d Marine Aircraft Wing in February 1963, General Miller was assigned to Marine Aircraft Group 36, where he transitioned to helicopters. He joined Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 462 (HMH-462) in May 1963 and deployed to Chu Lai, Republic of Vietnam in September 1965. He was assigned as the Aircraft Maintenance Officer of Sub Unit One, Marine Aircraft Group 16, Marble Mountain, Republic of Vietnam, flying the CH-37C.
In September 1966, he reported to Headquarters Marine Corps, Washington, D.C., when he served as the Assistant Maintenance Accounting Officer in Aviation Plans and Programs, Deputy Chief of Staff for Aviation. General Miller returned to the Republic of Vietnam in December 1968 and served as the Aircraft Maintenance Officer of Marine Observation Squadron Two (VMO-2), Marine Aircraft Group 16. Upon completion of the College Degree Program at the University of Maryland in June 1971, General Miller was again assigned to Headquarters Marine Corps for duty as an Aviation monitor.
In August 1973, he attended the Command and Staff Course at Quantico, Virginia. In July 1974, he was assigned as the Helicopter/OV-1O Projects Officer, Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, Calif. While there, he received his master’s degree in Public Administration from the University of Southern California, in 1976. In August 1977, he attended the Industrial College of the Armed Forces.
Upon reporting to the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing in July 1978, General Miller was assigned as the Executive Officer of Marine Aircraft Group 36. He became the Commanding Officer of Marine Light Helicopter Squadron 367(HML-367) on August 1, 1978. Returning to Headquarters Marine Corps in August 1979, he was assigned to the Plans and Policies Department. Prior to departing Headquarters, General Miller was the Branch Head of the Western Regional Branch, Plans, Policies, and Operations Department. On April 30, 1982, he assumed command of Marine Aircraft Group 39.
General Miller assumed duties as the Chief of Staff of the 3d Marine Aircraft Wing at El Toro on June 20, 1983. While serving in this capacity, he was selected for promotion to brigadier general in February 1984. He was advanced to that rank on June 14, 1984 and assigned duty as the Commander, Marine Corps Air Bases, Western Area/Commanding General, Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro, Calif., on June 30, 1986. General Miller was advanced to major general on Sept 11, 1987 and assigned duty as the Commanding General, 3d Marine Aircraft Wing/Deputy Commander, I Marine Expeditionary Force, FMF, Pacific, Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro, Calif., on Oct. 6, 1987.
On August 28, 1989, General Miller returned to Headquarters Marine Corps, Washington, DC for the fifth time to serve as the Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans, Policies, and Operations Department, and the Director, Plans Division within that Department at Headquarters Marine Corps, Washington, DC. He remained in this position until his retirement on May 1, 1991.