Membership criteria

Regular member *
Any individual who has served or is serving as a Marine Correspondent, Combat Camera, Still Photographer, Motion Picture or TV Production person, Radio Correspondent or Artist/Illustrator, to include active duty in the field of Communication Strategy and Operations.

Associate members*
Any Marine veteran who has a civilian occupation similar to Public Affairs or any member of the communications media who is or was professionally associated with the United States Marine Corps. Associate Membership shall also be granted to any individual (active duty or civilian) employed in a clerical or other non-informational capacity in a Public Affairs Office/Combat Camera/CVIC.

*Only Regular and Associate members may vote on Association business matters, hold national office.

Affiliate member
Anyone interested in furthering the aims and goals of the USMCCCA, including the spouses of Regular members.

Life member
Any Regular Member who satisfies the dues requirement for lifetime membership.

Honorary Life Membership
is awarded only by the National Board of Directors. Honorary Life Membership may be granted to any regular member who has been awarded the Purple Heart Medal in conflicts since Korea.