Marketing and Public Affairs Marines of the Year

In a Marine Corps Recruiting Command ceremony at the Gray Research Center auditorium, MCB Quantico, Sept. 21, the Marine Corps Association & Foundation and the U.S. Marine Corps Combat Correspondents Association recognized the Marketing and Public Affairs Marines of the Year with Ka-Bar plaques to the top MPA Marine from each of the six regional districts and an NCO sword to one of the six outstanding MPAs named MPA of the Year. Pictured from the left is MPA of the Year SSgt Clinton Firstbrook; SSgt Jeffery Cosola; MCA&F President and CEO, MajGen Edward Usher, USMC (Ret) who presented the awards on behalf of the MCA&F and the USMCCCA; Sgt Scott McAdam Jr.; Sgt Aaron Rooks; and Sgt Justin Kronenberg. The other award winner, Sgt Ronald Hendricks, was not in attendance. (photo by Ron Lunn, MCA)