MajGen. Herbert L Wilkerson USMC Ret. gives keynote address at 67th Anniversary of Battle for Guadalcanal

MajGen. Herbert L Wilkerson USMC Ret. speaks with a Marine veteran.
On Aug. 12th 2009 the Marines Memorial San Francisco hosted the 67 Anniversary of the battle for Guadalcanal.
The keynote speaker was MajGen. Herbert L Wilkerson, USMC Ret. Gen. Wilkerson recollected his memories of the battle as a PFC rifleman in 1/7 (LtCol. “Chesty” Puller, commanding and the eventual capture of Guadalcanal. He subsequentially served in combat again with the 1st Marine Division in both Korea and Vietnam where he commanded the 1st Marines, the oldest Regiment in the Corps.)
In 1972 General Wilkerson became Commanding General of Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, N.C. As a young LCpl., I had the honor of interviewing and photographing the General in 1973. The interview resulted in a center spread in the Camp Lejeune Globe. When I asked the General if he remembered the interview he responded that he still had a copy at home. With that answer I then presented him with a Joe Rosenthal CC cover that he happily accepted. It was great to see the General again after about 36 years . MajGen Wilkerson was accompanied by his son, MajGen. Thomas Wilkerson, USMC retired.
Following the dinner Gen. Wilkerson chatted with the attending Veterans from the battle for Guadalcanal and conducted a question and answer session. A good time was had by all.
The welcome address was given by MajGen. Mike Myatt, USMC Ret.and CEO of the Marines Memorial Assoc. Many thanks to Gen Myatt and the Marines Memorial Assoc.for the tribute given to these heroic Marine Veterans of WWII. For more info go to Marines Memorial .
— Semper Fi, Bob Stanley