Paxton on AllMarineRadio
Jack Paxton, Executive Director speaks with Mike McNamara on his podcast show.
If you read the January Leatherneck (and you should have) there was a piece on AllMarineRadio which was fascinating. You watch/listen on your computer/iPad/i/phone/tablet, et al. I contacted Mike McNamara thinking he would be an interesting addition to our San Diego conference as he lives in the area. He will join us if he can. Meantime, he set up an interview with me. We did the first of two parts Feb. 7 and will do another segment next Tuesday, Feb. 14. If you are interested, there are several ways to tune in. Mac is a retired Marine lieutenant colonel and his shows are quite interesting.
• Listen to the broadcast live at from your computer or mobile device, Monday through Friday between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. EST (7 a.m. and 11 a.m. PST).
• Visit anytime and click on the “Podcasts” link on the banner at the top of the page. Each hour-long segment is archived and can be listened to at your convenience.
• Visit iTunes or Google Play, search “All Marine Radio” and download content to your mobile device.
• Download the “Tune In” mobile application, available on both iOS and Android devices, and search “All Marine Radio.”
— Jack Paxton, Executive Director