How many CCs do you know?
HELP! We have a buttload (Noun; An extremely large quantity of anything that takes up space, please see the Urban Dictonary) of photos from this year’s USMCCCA Conference that need captions. Approximately 422 of them. I cannot do them all!

Kate after writing hundreds of captions.
Well, I could, but why should I have all the fun? We need help identifying old Marines, young Marines and the odd stranger, nobody knows…
We hope to package the fully identified images on a CD, create a DVD slideshow, and a photo book to use as a fundraiser. If it works out, we will do this every year. Your chapter could take this on as a special project, even.
What will you get out of it?
1) All the photos from the Conference on a DVD for FREE
2) PC Software to edit Photos and Metadata for FREE
3) Credit as a writer on any of the projects for FAME and GLORY
4) A big, wet, sloppy kiss from me or Jack, your preference.
5) Oh, and a two-week deadline.
The more volunteers we get, the fewer captions we each have to do. If you can type captions into a text document, that’s all you need to do. I can put them into the photo myself. It’s easy and FUN! Volunteer now! You know you want to … by emailing Kate at
NOTE: We have our first volunteers! Bob McEwen, and Tom Kerr and GySgt Bill Lisbon do we have any other Active duty Marines who can help with the young ones?