Get ready for the 2011 Conference

The Westin Hotel, New Orleans is the site of the 2011 USMCCCA Conference
National Conference: New Orleans Sept. 12-16
While we have alluded to it in both Now Hear This and on the Tic Toc notes on this website we are now making it official: There will be a conference in New Orleans from September 12-16at the Westin Hotel.
Long-time CC Life Member Fran Piccoli, based in New Orleans has volunteered to be the overall Conference Chairman. CC President Don O’Neal is expected to name a Program Chair in the near future. The 2011 Conference is expected to follow the routine of previous conferences in that we will meet jointly with the senior leadership of Marine Corps Public Affairs.
Additionally, our popular professional military programs for junior Marines will also be in full swing. The 2011 Conference will open Tuesday morning, September 13 at 0800. The traditional Welcome Reception will be held Tuesday evening, the Annual Merit Awards Banquet Thursday evening and the Business Breakfast Meeting on Friday morning. The conference will end at noon on Friday. CCHQ will announce the registration process March 1.