Fla Chapter schedules meeting for March 27-28 in Daytona

Fla Chapter members will get a tour of the Daytona International Speedway which opened in 1959
The 1st Quarter Florida Chapter meeting will be at the LPGA golf club restaurant in Daytona Beach, FL on Saturday 28 March at 11:30. Take exit 265 off I-95. Go West on LPGA Blvd about 3 miles to the club. Their telephone number is 386-523-2044. The meeting will be hosted by Hank and Trudi Ehlbeck.
For those coming over on Friday, there will be a visit to Daytona USA, a museum featuring inside NASCAR. Hank and Trudi have arranged for free entry tickets. Dinner Friday evening will be at the Aquarium restaurant about 2-3 miles from the museum and motel.
The La Qunita motel, which will be our overnight venue is located at I-95 (exit 261 ) and International Speedway Blvd. Their phone number is 386-255-7412. Hank and Trudi advise making reservations early because there is an antique car show at the Speedway and prices could go up depending on occupancy. We should be able to get rooms for $59 if made early. We were initially advised the room rate would be $49 but because of the antique car show they have gone up. Hank and Trudi also suggest asking for an inside room to avoid the noise of I-95.
Let’s plan on meeting at the motel at 1400 on Friday the 27th of March. We will then go to the Museum, which also has an I-Max theatre and features everything you ever wanted to know about NASCAR. We can then get back to the motel at our leisure. Freshen up, have Happy Hour and head for the restaurant. For more info call me at 352-688-6720.
If you have any questions contact Fl Chapter President, Red Carpenter.