FL Chapter to Meet Oct 16

The Florida Chapter USMCCCA Brick- Early on as the Marine Corps Museum at Quantico progressed, the Florida Chapter voted to purchase this brick for one of the many walkways surrounding the Museum. The location is in the Belleau Wood section immediately adjacent to the new Chapel. It is our understanding the Joe Rosenthal Chapter also has a brick in an adjacent area but our intrepid photographer could not find it. (Photo by Jack Paxton)
There will be a USMCCCA Florida Chapter meeting at noon on Oct 16, 2010 at the Sanctuary Ridge golf course club house restaurant. Sanctuary Ridge, as you will recall, is located in Clermont. Please let me know anything you’d like included for discussion and I’ll get it on the agenda. Hope to see you there.
Red C.
Florida Chapter, USMCCCA Meeting Agenda
16 Oct., 2010
Meeting to order
Reading of minutes of last meeting.
Reports – Treasurers report.
Other reports
Old Business
Chapter Donation to Foundation
Reno Conference
Brick at Museum
New Business
Golf tournament – 2011
New Donors – Golf Tournament
Prizes – Golf Tournament
Goody Bag items
Recent ComCam Conference
Offer to support PA and ComCam
Election of Officers
Other business
Meeting Adjourned