“First to Go” Book is Ready to Go!

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After more than a few setbacks, our updated history is now ready to go. The 295-page edition traces us from our beginnings in World War II through the Gulf Wars. In our first edition two years ago we only had a few of the original photos from “Last To Know, First To Go.” In this edition we have added more than 70 photos.
Our USMCCCA webmaster Kate Stark is again publishing the names of those named in the book. Even if your name is not listed in the index, you may be mentioned in a photo caption. We will also place this notice on Face Book.
The book will sell for $33 to members and $40 for non-members. You can use the button below or send a check or credit card info to CCHQ at 110 Fox Court, Wildwood, FL 34785. Make your payments to the USMCCCA not the USMCCCA Foundation. Through the largesse of our publishers, Dave and Diane Biesel, St. Johann Press, the Association will realize $10 for each book sold.
If you have pre-ordered, your names have been sent to St. Johann Press. All books will be mailed to you from their New Jersey headquarters
Index of names included in the book
Abel, Jon, 116
Abizaid, John, 231
Abrams, Mike, 109
Acosta, Frank, 6
Adams, Arthur H., 61
Adreon, Franklin “Pete,” 255
Agostino, Luis, 215, 226
Aideed, Mouhamad Farrah,
185, 190
Aiken, LaDonna, 262–270
Akey, Mike, 104
Allen, Lindley S., 249
Alli, Joe, 6
Alvarez, Mike, 238
al-Zarqawi, Abu Musab, 224
Amanpour, Christine, 186
Anderson, Andy, 71
Andrious, Antony, 238
Armon, Phil, 60
Arnold, Dick, 40
Arnold, Mordecai “Mawk,” 85, 92
Arsenault, Bob, 249
Ashman, Lawrence, 11
Aspin, Les, 191
Austin, Ralph, 61
Ayers, Rodney, 61, 250
Babyack, John, 61, 79
Ball, Don, 246
Barber, William E., 33
Barberio, John, 19
Barnett, Isa, 102
Barnum, Jr., Harvey C. (Barney),
Barron, Dave, 203
Barrow, Clay, 248
Bartlett, Tom, 246–249, 252
Bates, Bill, 44–45
Bathon, Zachary, 215
Batson, Carrie, 215
Bayer, Bob, 83, 86–91
Beard, Brett, 191, 202
Beavers, Sarah A., 215
Bedner, Dan, 47
Beech, Keyes, 17
Bender, Jan, 215, 226, 233
Bennett, Tim, 116, 210
Berger, Paul, 53
Bernal, Bob, 136–137
Bernard, Randy, 215, 226
Berntson, Steve, 83, 91–92
Bess, Gordon, 245
Beveridge, Chuck, 246
Bice, David, 273
Bienhorn, Leo, 65
Biesel, David, 246, 279
Biesel, Diane, 279
Bigelow, Joe, 249
Biggerstaff, Howard E., 11
Bingham, John, 213
Bir, Cevik, 191
Blair, Tim, 152
Bland, Douglas Tyrone, 78
Bloom, Richard A., 104
Bonilla, Charles, 263
Boomer, Walter E., 157, 160, 162,
Booth, George, 245, 249
Bowen, Bob, 246–247, 249
Braden, Nathan “Nate,” 215, 226,
Briggs, Austin, 102
Bristow, Vance, 245
Brodie, Howard, 102
Brokaw, Tom, 161, 186
Brooks, Charles, 116
Brown, Walter, 215
Brunson, Mason, 6
Burgin, William, 26–27
Burlage, George, 250
Burnett, Less, 62
Burrows, Larry, 91
Buse, Henry W., 40
Bush, George W., 162, 165
Bush, George H.W., 183, 185,
Butts, Jack, 79
Byrtus, Joseph A., 177, 180
Cameron, Garry, 38
Campbell, Jeanne, 191
Cannon, Jimmy, 26
Capadanno, Fr. Vincent, 89
Capraro, Mike, 25, 27
Carlson, Eric, 109–111
Carlson, Eric, 191, 202
Carpenter, Dan, 191–193
Carpenter, Jim, 61
Carpenter, Red, 64
Carr, Joe, 266–271
Carrasco, Miguel, 215, 226
Casey, George, 216, 228
Casselli, Henry C., 246
Castro, Fidel, 52
Caulkins, Bob, 248
Chalk, John, 246
Chapelle, Dickey, 67, 76
Chaverri, Joel, 215, 226
Chavez, Margarette, 248–249
Chenelly, Joe, 252
Cheney, Dick, 170, 183
Chenoweth, Avery, 102
Childs, Jack, 61, 68, 75
Christenson, Walt, 25
Church, John “Doc,” 191–192
Clapper, Ray, 13
Clarke, Victoria, 151, 152
Clayburn, Harold, 135
Clements, Sean, 215, 226, 230
Clinton, Bill, 191
Clymer, John, 244
Coleman, Bill, 40
Collins, Bill, 65–66
Conner, John, 245
Conrad, Robert, 138
Coon, Gene, 38
Cordero, John, 211, 238–239
Cortez, Arsenio, 215–216, 229–
230, 235
Coulter, Pat, 136
Couric, Katie, 186
Cox, J. E., 40–41
Cox, Manny, 135
Cronkite, Walter, 165
Crossley, Keith, 102
Crouch, Alan, 238
Cushman, George, 245
Daum, Bill, 40
Davis, Andrew, 149
Davis, Bob, 6
Davis, Joe, 191
Davis, Roy, 109
Dawson, Dick, 56–58
De Vere, Sr., Carl M. “Bud,” 250
Dean, John Gunther, 110
DeChant, Jack, 20
DeGrasse, John, 245
Dempsey, Dave, 17
Denig, Robert L., 5–9, 22–23, 243,
Dermott, Len, 102
deWeldon, Felix, 17
Diaz, Enrique, 215
DiBernardo, Jim, 79
Dickson, Don (Donald L.), 14, 23,
245–246, 249
DiDomenico, John, 187
DiGirolamo, Joe, 240–241
Dobbins, Adelaide, 18
Donahue, Joe, 20
Donlon, Tom, 89–90
Douglas, David Duncan, 37
Doyle, William, 211
Dozier, Kimberly, 233
Drysdale, D.B., 32
Dulaimy, Abu Assad, 214
Dulmage, Marc, 173
Duncan, David Douglas, 20
Duncan, Paul, 238
Duncan, William, 60
Dunlap, Stan, 40–41
Dye, Dale, 77, 100, 116, 249, 267–270
Dyer, Jack, 102
Early, Wade, 86
Ellerbrock, Willie, 210, 238
Elliott, James, 247–248
English, Lowell, 73
Espinosa, Demetrio “Joe,” 215
Ettore, Mike, 135
Evans, Chris, 249
Evans, Ed, 115, 248
Ewers, John, 193–201
Fabbri, Ralph, 261
Fabion, John, 12
Fairall, Charles, 55, 58
Farrar, Jay, 116
Farrell, John, 175
Faseler, Len, 77
Fatthi, Rose “Rose the
Interpreter,” 215, 231, 235
Faulkner, Frank, 72
Fegan, Joseph, 3
Fields, Tom, 67–68, 70, 72, 76, 104
Firstbrook, Clinton, 226
Fisher, Bill, 41
Fitzwater, Marlin, 189
Fletcher, Jack, 61
Flothow, Rudy, 26
Ford, Walt, 243–252
Forsythe, Amy, 208–209, 238, 240
Fowler, Gordon, 83, 89
Frank, Benis, 46
Frank, Bill, 6
Frank, Zachary R., 215
Franks, Jeff, 173
Funk, John, 61, 63
Gaddo, Randy, 116–136
Galloway, Joe, 70
Garcia, Fred, 221, 226
Garcia, Nathan, 215
Garwood, Bobby, 251
Genaust, William, 18–19
Geraghty, Tim, 136
Gerheim, Earl, 84
Gerrity, Jack, 6
Gibbons, Pat, 174–175
Gilbert, Lyle, 215–216, 223,
227–228, 234–235
Glaspie, April, 204
Goff, James, 193–201
Goodrich, Bill, 13
Goodwin, James, 215
Gordon, Brad, 215, 224
Gordon, Dick, 6
Gordon, Mike, 239
Gore, Al, 191
Goss, Francis X. “Frank,” 46,
245, 249
Gratto, Joe, 109
Gray, A.M., 157, 160
Gray, Al, 108
Gray, Dennis, 173
Green, Eddie, 26–27
Greene, Jr., Wallace M., 48, 57,
60–61, 76–77, 277
Grey, Chris, 136
Griggs, Tom, 116
Groth, John, 102
Habib, Philip, 115
Haeberle, Lee, 61
Hagee, Mike, 187
Hall, Bill, 61
Hammel, Eric, 126
Hampton, John L., 47
Harmon, Jay John B., 244–245
Hart, Bill, 61, 68
Hatch, Norm, 10, 244
Haynes, Fred, 17
Hayward, Louis, 10
Heinecke, Roy, 12, 245, 249
Heirston, Tom, 249
Hejlik, Dennis, 229
Hemmler, Bill, 239
Hendricks, Bill, 47
Henri, Ray, 12, 17, 60, 102
Hensley, Joe, 40
Hernandez, Al, 116–117, 132
Heston, Charlton, 138
Hieberger, Joe, 6, 8
Hill, Bill, 40
Hineline, Tammy, 255–262
Hoagland, John, 138
Hoar, Joe, 204
Hoellworth, John, 252
Hoffman, Nancy Lee White,
Holbert, Jenny, 214–237
Holcomb, Thomas, 5
Hope, Bob, 138
Hopkins, John I., 161
Hough, Frank, 11, 13
Howe, Jonathan, 204
Howland, Wes, 6
Hubenthal, Karl, 245
Huet, Henri, 91
Huffman, Cal, 61
Hugel, David, 55, 58
Hughes, Tom, 46
Hulbert, Henry, 246
Humm, Mike, 150
Hummingbird, Farrell, 87
Hurlbut, Jim, 6–7
Hussein, Saddam, 155, 157, 164,
174, 176, 178
“Irish,” Corporal, 95–98
Igo, Steve, 109
“Jerrod,” 98–100
Jackson, Harry, 102
Jaffe, Sam, 26
James, Wendon, 6
Jamison, Jon, 193–201
Jenkins, Sam, 61
Jerardi, Joe, 84
Johnson, Arnold, 11
Johnson, Bob, 40, 61
Johnson, Robert, 183, 187, 202
Johnson, T.V., 215, 220
Jones, James L. (Jim), 176, 178–
181, 271
Jones, Matthew, 215
Jones, Mel, 61, 137, 248
Jones, Robert, 215, 226
Jones, Wayne, 117
Jordan, Bob, 116–121, 123–124,
129–132, 134–135, 250–251,
Josephy, Alvin, 12, 17, 23
Joyner, Darla (Anderberg), 250
Judge, Betsy, 202
Judge, Darwin D., 111
Kaemmerer, Travis, 215, 226
Kalb, Marvin, 166
Kean, James H., 113
Keating, Bill, 27
Keene, Reynaldo R. “Ron,” 252
Kelley, P.X., 19
Kennedy, John F., 52
Kennedy, Kevin, 204
Kennedy, Paul, 240–244
Kent, Carlton, 215, 273
Kimball, Penn, 6
Kingsley, Norman, 26–27
Kinney, Lynn, 209
Kirby, Bob, 6
Kivel, Marty, 6
Klimp, Jack, 190
Knight, Andy, 6
Knight, Foster, 67
Koppel, Ted, 186
Kramlich, Richard, 218, 227
Kraus, Kenneth, 251
Kreisher, Otto, 173
Krulak, Victor H., 60
Krulak, Chuck, 175
LaForte, Nathan, 215, 226
Laidman, Hugh, 102
Lange, Herm, 116
Lapan, Dave, 147–157
Lasswell, Fred, 245
Latham, Jack, 40
Lathrop, Willard J., 226
Lawrence, Anthony, 115
Layman, William E., 104, 106
Leach, Dan, 61
Leahy, Mike, 102
Lee, Mike, 180
Leicht, Paul, 215
Lejeune, John A., 3
Lessel, Irv, 229
Lewis, Al, 6
Lewis, Jack, 27, 251
Leyden, Jill, 212
Libutti, Frank, 183, 185–186
Liccardi, Dick, 84
Link, Ted, 12
Little, Steve, 202
Lloyd, Joe, 69
Lloyd, Terry, 193, 202
Lodge, Norman, 11
Logan, Lara, 239
Long, Paul, 6
Lopez, Henry, 194–201
Loren, Sophia, 183
Loudermilk, Sherm, 102
Lovell, Tom, 244
Lowery, Lou, 14, 16–17, 244, 252
Lowey, George, 126
Lucas, Jim, 7, 9–12, 17
Ludwig, Verle, 42, 44
Lyons, Ron, 245, 248, 252
MacArthur, Douglas, 17
Machin, Jim, 249
Macho, Dean, 62–63
Mainard, Allen, 26–27
Malubani, Amy (Punzel), 215,
Manson, Rube, 27
Margolies, Pete, 6
Mark, Leighton, 138
Marriot, Dave, 271
Marrufo, Benny, 63, 75, 104, 106
Marsh, D.E., 76
Martin, Bruce, 246–247, 249
Mathews, Robert, 67
Maxwell, John, 66
McClung, Megan, 208–214,
McClung, Michael (brother), 212
McClung, Michael (father), 214
McClung, Re (mother), 213–214
McCormick, Chuck, 109, 111
McCormick, William, 36
McDevitt, Frank, 6, 12
McDonald, Alice, 21
McElroy, Jimmy, 19
McFarland, Jean, 211
McGinty, John, 75
McGinty, Sean, 238–239
McIlhenny, John, 109, 111
McKenna, Charles, 12
McKeon, Matthew, 48
McKinney, Jr., James, 11
McMahon, Jr., Charles, 111
McMeen, Chad, 238
McMillan, George, 20
McNamara, Jimmy, 6, 8
McNamara, Robert, 275
McPartland, Gladys, 277
Mead, James, 115
Meany, Shannon, 25
Merrilat, Herbert, 7
Metz, Thomas, 216
Michaels, Jim, 173
Michivic, Al, 102
Mielke, Art, 6
Miller, John, 203
Miller, Norm, 6
Miller, Troy, 46
Mills, Doc, 269
Mills, Ralph, 202
Miner, Pat, 269
Modrzejewski, Robert, 75
Moore, Hal, 70
Moore, Molly, 173, 175
Moran, Maurice “Duke,” 6
Morey, Daven, 84
Morrisey, Bob, 41
Mosley, Gary, 136
Mouhamad, Ali Mahdi, 185
Mulvihill, Joe, 245
Murillo, Lynn, 238
Murphy, Bill, 27
Murray, Terry, 191
Murrow, Edward R., 44–45, 250
Mutter, Carol, 213
Nealis, Rick, 213
Neller, Bob, 238, 240
Nelson, Wallace M., 253–255
Nesson, Ron, 71
Nevers, Dave, 215
Newcomb, Obie, 10
Nickerson, Colin, 173
Nicklin, Dick, 61
Noriega, Manuel, 139–140, 142,
North, Oliver, 109, 217, 232
Northrop, Jim, 61
Nowaczyk, Tom, 116
Noyes, Cherilee, 247
Oakley, Robert, 185, 190
Odierno, Ray, 213
O’Hara, Tom, 102
Ohman, Bob, 74–75
Ohmdahl, Bill, 49, 104–105
O’Leary, Jerry, 6
Oliva, Mark, 206, 238, 240
Oliver, Keith, 137–139, 202–205
Openshaw, Cal, 116, 121–122
Ortega, Alexander, 126
O’Sheel, Pat, 11–12
Pacheco, Isaac, 252
Pacheco, Manny, 271–274
Packwood, Norval “Gene,” 246
Page, Tim, 71–72
Paine, Victor, 77
Patillo, Linda, 173
Patriquin, Travis, 209, 211–212,
Patterson, Cissie, 6
Paulsgrove, Graham, 215
Paxton, Jack, 25, 45, 61, 75–77
Paynter, Jim, 245
Paz, Robert, 142
Pearson, Greg, 40
Peck, Fred, 182–191, 202–205
Pendleton, Joseph H., 78
Perkins, Jr., William T., 103, 247
Perrine, Chris, 238, 240
Piccoli, Francis, 214–237
Pierson, Steve, 110
Pittman, Richman, 75
Pitts, Mike, 104
Platiau, Charles, 173
Player, Riccoh, 210, 238–240
Plenzler, Joe, 193–202
Pomante, III, Vincent, 209,
211–212, 239
Poos, Bob, 71–72
Popham, John, 10–22, 30
Potter, Kent, 90–91
Powell, Colin, 183, 203
Praetor, Frank, 54
Price, Ben, 40, 42
Prizzi, Tony, 245
Proctor, Clarence, 2
Prucha, Bob, 204
Puller, Chesty, 48
Pyle, Ernie, 83, 91
Qatar, Abdul, 230
Raddatz, Martha, 23
Ramsey, Kelly (Hughes), 215–217,
Randazzo, Henry, 104–105
Rather, Dan, 161, 173, 186
Rea, Bob “Emmet,” 84
Reagan, Ronald, 267
Reist, David, 238
Reuss, Steve, 265
Rhodes, J.E., 193
Rhodes, Shawn, 205–208
Richards, Matthew, 215
Richardson, Herb, 14, 17,
Rivera, Geraldo, 131–132, 233
Robinson, Ricardo, 115
Rockey, Keller, 15
Rogier, Mike, 43
Romley, Dave, 283
Roosevelt, Franklin, 6, 20
Rosa, Doug, 102
Rosenthal, Joe, 16–17
Rothfolk, Anthony, 116
Rowe, Charles “Charlie,” 116–
117, 139–145
Roy, Paul, 126
Rumsfield, Donald, 151, 155
Saentz, Enrique, 215, 226
Salas, Bryan, 210, 238–240
Sanders, Joseph A., 175–181
Sattler, John F., 215–217, 219–221,
225–227, 229, 233–234
Savatt, Russ, 61, 249
Scaran, Tony, 79
Schaad, Richard, 67
Schleuter, Charles, 26
Schlossenberg, Irving “Irv,” 6, 12
Sell, Ted, 26
Sergeant, Carl, 266
Seward, Bob, 46
Shaffer, Sam, 6, 10
Shaner, Paul, 61
Sharpe, David X., 26
Shearer, Donnie, 110
Shimamoto, Keizaburo, 91
Shipman, Walt, 6–8
Shipp, Harold, 61
Shotwell, John, 116, 132, 157–174
Shuford, Robert “Shudog,” 215,
Shutak, Emil M. (Mike), 26, 53
Simon, Bob, 161, 173, 182, 184
Sixby, Mark, 215, 229
Slate, Hartman, 116, 130, 182
Slifer, Lanny, 75
Sly, Sandy, 49
Smith, Christopher J., 215
Smith, Jim, 61, 64, 66
Smith, Oliver P., 27
Smith, Stefi, 189
Smyth, Frank H., 27
Solovioff, Nick, 102
Southee, Bob, 245
Spaulding, Ricky, 267, 269
Spitzer, Kirk, 173
Stalder, Keith, 218
Stanley, Clifford, 191
Stark, Dick, 61
Stark, Kathleen V. “Kate,” 251
Stavisky, Sam, 6, 13
Sterrett, Thomas, 2
Stewart, Louise, 21
Stewart, Walt, 61, 63
Stibbens, Steve, 54, 102–103,
Stiff, Tex, 102
Stokes, Ron, 203
Stokey, Mike, 83
Streaty, Ted, 238
Stuckley, Bill, 61
Styles, Mike, 62, 71
Suhosky, Bob, 245, 249
Swindells, Walt, 40
Swirling, Daniel, 182
Sylvester, Arthur, 275
Taieb, Alain, 71–72
Talbert, Tyron, 116
Taplin, Bob, 265
Tenelly, Dick, 19
Thomas, “Wild” Bill, 67
Thomas, Salju, 226
Thomason, Jr., John, 23
Thompson, Paul L., 247
Thurman, Russ, 81, 92, 108–113
Tibbits, Lee, 180
Tingley, Steve, 110
Tolbert, Tex, 245
Tovar, Vidal, 26–27
Trainor, Bernard E., 158
Tran, Khang, 215, 229
Truman, Harry S., 4, 170
Tucker, Craig, 226–227
Tucker, Fred, 61–64, 69–71,
Tucker, Nancye, 104
Turner, Dave, 61
Turner, Shawn, 238, 240
Turner, Tom, 61
Tuthill, Charles P., 55, 58–59
Tyler, Chuck, 245, 249
Valdez, Juan J., 112
Vandegrift, Charles R., 12
Varnadore, Brenda, 215–216
Vessey, Bill, 19
Vick, Karl, 214
Wagner, Ray, 136
Wagner, Stuart, 191, 202–203
Walsh, Jack, 6
Walt, Lewis, 40, 61, 67, 70, 72,
75–76, 104
Ward, C. Wesley, 249
Ward, Gene, 6
Webb, Percy, 2
Weih, W., 75
Weinberger, Harold, 18
Welch, Ken, 136
Wells, H.B., 249
Wells, Nolan, 116
Welsh, Hobey, 249
West, Dan, 230
Westmoreland, William, 72
Westmoreland, Bob, 250
Wheeler, Richard, 16
White, David S.L., 104
White, Houston, 215
White, John, 6
White, Ken, 271–274
White, R.L., 75
Whitman, Bryan, 149
Wilkinson, Ray, 173
Williams, Jim, 60, 63, 65
Williams, Moses L., 75
Williams, Pete, 165, 173, 183–184,
Wilson, Dan, 217, 230
Wilson, Earl, 6, 10
Wilson, George, 92–95, 100
Wilson, Jim, 61
Wilson, Sandy, 264
Withington, Jack, 49
Wolf, Jill, 238
Woltner, Rudy, 61
Wright, Bill, 116
Wright, Lorenzo, 104
Yablonka, Marc Phillip, 86
Yim, Jon, 267
Zabcone, Peter, 193–201
Zabel, Duane, 79
Zapata, Chago, 215
Zelnick, Bob, 189–190
Zilmer, Rick, 238
Zurlinden, Paul, 10