DINFOS Honors Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Staff Sgt. Joshua M. Souza, Basic Multimedia Reproduction Course instructor at the Defense Information School (DINFOS), reads his poem “Remember the King” at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday observance. Souza placed first in a DINFOS poetry contest. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Gregory N. Juday/Released)
The poem below was written by Marine Corps DINFOS Visual Information instructor SSgt Joshua M. Souza in commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King. It earned 1st Place among all the students, faculty and staff who entered the contest. Souza and the top three poets narrated their poems in the DINFOS Hall of Heroes today at noon. DINFOS Commandant Col. Jeremy Martin, U.S. Army, praised the offerings as some of the finest Memorials to Dr. King that he has ever witnessed.
Remember the King
Re-live, reflect, remember, respect, Move forward… but never forget.
Some chose to sit, while others chose to stand, Long after their families had escaped the brand, Created equal and free, yet unable to be, These warriors of justice fought for nothing but peace.
Re-live, reflect Remember, respect, Move forward…but never forget.
One man shared his beliefs as the world watched in wonder, “How dare such a man try and rise up from under?” “Who is this man that questions our laws?” And demands that the walls of segregation should fall? Does he believe in his cause with all that he has? Would he sacrifice his life to see this change pass? Why is this man held in such high esteem? And why should we care if he had a dream?
Re-live, reflect, Remember, respect, Move forward…but never forget.
That man was a doctor, a fighter, a King, He stood for his people to hear freedom ring, He stood for his children, to be seen for their souls, He fought peacefully for love in the place he called home, He stood everyday against hatred and strife, He stood and he triumphed and he paid with his life.
His family is you, his family is me, His family is colorless, and finally free. His family re-lives, his family reflects, His family remembers with the utmost respect, His family moves forward, every day is well spent, His family is us, and we will never forget.
– SSgt Joshua M. Souza, United States Marine Corps