Dedicated Member Campaign Kicks Off

Past recipients of scholarships and DPA awards.
The annual Dedicated Member campaign kicked off April 1. A mailing to all members went out that date encouraging support for the various programs we offer including scholarships for members, dependents and active duty Marines; funding for the Distinguished Performance Awards (DPA) program, and our annual contribution to the Injured Marines Semper Fi Fund.
While funding for the latter organization is usually made possible through the Foundation’s Florida Chapter Golf Tournament, outside competition from other tournaments can affect revenues. As Foundation President Bill Hauptfleisch said in the most recent USMCCCA Journal “…the Foundation exists as the “rainmaker” for the Association. It must make money so that we can remain afloat financially.”
Members should consider what we do for our active duty Marines. Our first place awards payout in the DPA program has been increased from $75 to $100. We offer two scholarships each year at $3,000 each. Our paid staff, Executive Director and Webmaster, do not receive annual salary increases as most organizations offer. As Bill has said, “We are a lean, mean machine and totally dependent on the largesse of our great and dedicated members.”
When you receive your mailing, please consider all of the above and, if you are able, help support our fine organization as we approach our 75th year.