Conner Downey – Candidate for Board of Directors
Editors Note: For the first time in many years, we have five candidates for two open seats on the Association’s Board of Directors. We are introducing you to one candidate per day, in no particular order. Please remember to vote via absentee ballot if you cannot be at the annual business meeting in Atlanta Aug. 19-23.
Candidate 2 of 5

Conner Downey
Conner Downey was born on Sept. 18, 1997, and raised in small town Wisconsin. Upon receiving his diploma in 2016 with highest honors, Downey shipped to MCRD San Diego for basic training on August 8, 2016. After graduating with a meritorious promotion to Private First Class, he underwent combat training aboard Camp Pendleton. In January, Downey started his MOS training at DINFOS on Fort Meade, MD. He underwent 4612 Combat Reproduction Specialist training and received meritorious promotion to lance corporal for being Distinguished Honor Graduate from the class.
In May, 2017, Downey started his first tour at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, 29 Palms, CA, where he has cross-trained as a videographer, a photographer, and a journalist. Downey was promoted to corporal last year and earned the billet of Operations Team Leader, after excelling among his peers. His tour ends in June, after which he will start his second tour at Marine Forces Reserves, New Orleans, LA.
Downey said, “What I can bring to the USMCCCA is a youthful perspective on how the minds of current Marines work, as well as close any generational and/or creative gap that could be present within the Association.”