Chip Jones earns 2011 Denig Award

Denig award winner Charles "Chip" Jones.
Charles “Chip” Jones, award-winning writer and author of various military books, including “Boys of ’67: “From Vietnam to Iraq…”, and, more recently, “War Shots,” the story of Norm Hatch and the U. S. Marine Corps Combat Cameramen of World War II has been selected to receive this year’s Brig. Gen. Robert L. Denig Memorial Distinguished Performance Award.
His first book: Boys of ’67… was named the top biography of 2006 by the Military Writers Society of America. The son of a Marine general, Jones returned to his roots with the military when he began talking with his first cousin, Marine General James L. Jones about his career as a Vietnam-era Marine. Gen. Jones later became Commandant, then NATO Commander and, more recently as National Security Advisor.
War Shots is a recent collaboration between Jones and retired Maj. Norm Hatch, who gained fame for his cinematography on Tarawa during World War II. As Gen. Jones says in his forward to the book: “Charles Jones superb recounting of Major Hatch’s career, adds significantly to the lore of the most important moments in our nation’s history. War Shots ranks as one of the most riveting personal accounts of the horrific and heroic times of this epic war which propelled the United States into a position of international leadership responsibility which endures today.”
As he did so well in Boys of ’67… Jones accurately chronicles both the career of Norm Hatch as well as the growth of photography in the Marine Corps in both combat and in those days following the war when the future if the Corps was in doubt. Certainly the book will be hailed as a definitive accounting of a group of men who risked their lives to chronicle the battles of the Pacific War.
The United States Marine Corps Combat Correspondents Association is proud to honor Charles “Chip” Jones as its 2011 Brig. Gen. Robert L. Denig Memorial Distinguished Performance Award winner.