CC Eames seeks sponsors for half marathon

Caleb Eames will run for charity.
Dear Family, Friends and Co-workers:
January 9th and 10th 2010 will be very special days for me and a little guy named Austin in Tennessee.
I am going to be running the Disney Goofy Race and a Half Challenge in Orlando, Florida as part of Team ASK (Athletes for Special Kids). For the Goofy Race and a Half Challenge, I’ll have to run a Half Marathon (13.1 miles) on Saturday, and then a Full Marathon (26.2 miles) on Sunday, for a total of 39.3 miles in two days.
I’m not running this just because I’m crazy. I’ve been training for and will complete this run to gain financial support for Special Kids.
Special Kids is a not-for-profit Christian organization located in Murfreesboro, Tennessee that provides speech, physical, occupational, and recreation therapy and skilled-nursing for children with special needs. The services at Special Kids are offered to all participants regardless of the ability to pay. This is why children like Austin need our help.
Here is Austin’s story:
My name is Austin. I am 2 years old. I was diagnosed with bacterial meningitis when I was 9 weeks old. Because of that, I suffer from cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and was deaf. When I was 6 months old, I got cochlear implants to be able to hear. When I come to Special Kids, I stay in skilled nursing and get physical, occupational, and speech therapies. I’m a very happy, fun, and loving child. I love to babble and roll around, and I really love snack time! With the help from the Special Kids therapies and nursing staff, I can now do things my family and I never thought possible. The sky is the limit! I’m walking in my therapy walker, waving bye-bye, and always wearing a huge grin on my face. With God, all things are possible!
When I saw Austin’s story, I immediately thought of my two sons, 1 and 4 years old. If you love kids, I know this touched you like it touched me. Hopefully, efforts like Team ASK can bring needed funds into Special Kids so that they can continue to serve God’s “special children.”
I consider myself very fortunate to be able to do this! January 9th and 10th will come soon enough, but for now I will continue to train for Austin and the other children at Special Kids.
But I need your help. My goal is to raise a minimum of $850 toward Special Kids. I am asking you to financially become part of Athlete’s For Special Kids and Team Austin. How much will you give to help the children at Special Kids? I have already given $250 and ask that you consider what you can give. Even if it is one dollar, every bit helps. But aside from money, can you also keep this organization and the children they serve in your prayers? God is using them in a real way, and I am so happy to be a part of it.
If you use PayPal, my email address is In the comments section just write “For Austin.” You can also donate online through the Special Kids Web secure payment site. Here are the easy instructions:
1. Logon to the Internet and visit Special Kids at
2. Click on the “donate now” box.
3. Under donation type, click the drop down arrow to the right and select “Team ASK”.
4. Indicate the amount of your investment.
5. Complete all pertinent information below. Important note: if your company has a matching program, please indicate and increase your investment to Special Kids through you’re your generosity.
6. Proceed to the next section that reads: “If this is a Team ASK investment, please enter name of Athlete” Please enter the information listed below. Name of Athlete: Caleb Eames Name of Event: Goofy Race and a Half Challenge
7. Click the box entitled “Continue” 8. Complete the information on the next page and click “Process Now” to complete.
On behalf of Austin and myself, thank you for your contribution and prayer.
“Through His Grace all Things are Possible”
-Caleb Eames