Marines net Thomas Jefferson Awards

Maj. Jason P. Smith, convoy commander and amphibious assault officer, takes time away from convoy operations to interact and play with some Liberian children during a convoy to deliver humanitarian supplies throughout the city of Monrovia, Liberia.

First Place Thomas Jefferson Award, Stand-Alone Photograph by by Sgt Rocco DeFilippis. Maj. Jason P. Smith, convoy commander and amphibious assault officer, takes time away from convoy operations to interact and play with some Liberian children during a convoy to deliver humanitarian supplies throughout the city of Monrovia, Liberia.

Outstanding Flagship Publication: Marines Magazine

Outstanding Flagship Publication: Marines Magazine

Winners of the 2009 Thomas Jefferson Awards were announced April 13. Here are the Marines honored for their work. A complete list of winners can be found after the jump.

News Article: Fearing Restrictions, Marines Load Up on Firearms, Lance CPL Graham Benson, Yuma Public Affairs Office, Yuma, AZ.

Commentary: Death of the Marksman, SSgt Ethan E. Rocke, Marine Corps Base, Okinawa, Japan.

Series: The Untouchables, SSgt Ethan E. Rocke, Marine Corps Base, Okinawa, Japan.

Stand-Alone Photograph: Maj Smith with Liberian Children, Sgt Rocco DeFilippis, Marine Corps Forces Europe/Africa, APO AE.

Outstanding Flagship Publication: Marines Magazine, Defense Media Activity Crystal City Marines, Arlington, VA.

Web-based Publication:, Camp Pendleton Public Affairs Office, Camp Pendleton, CA.

Radio News Report: “Marines Aid Afghans”, Sgt Jeremy Ross, USMC, Pentagon Channel.


Pendleton ‘Scout’ and Miramar ‘Flight Jacket’ cease to publish

Like many of their civilian counterparts, the Camp Pendleton Scout, the Miramar Flight Jacket and the San Diego Navy Compass newspapers ceased publication last week.

According to a reliable source, the publisher was faced with both declining and (uncollected) advertising revenues and simply could not continue to pay the operating expenses.  It was learned that the publisher had been negotiating to print the papers every other week but that did not pan out.

Many of us “old timers” in the military news business can remember when the base paper was the mainstay of post or station news and, typically in many cases, the “mouth piece” of the command.  We also remember when a five-column tab contained only news and photos and not advertising. 


…uh, about that book revision

How come after all these years of bitching and moaning about how “I was left out” of the book , Last To Know, First To Go, we are receiving so few contributions for the revision?

Each of you guys and gals were story tellers and picture takers who plied your trade in the Corps. Why aren’t we hearing from you? Bylines and photo credits are always appreciated by each of us and this is could be your chance for posterity!

Okay, how should you proceed? First, depending on your age, get out your slate, Etcha-sketch, crayon, IBM Selectric or – for you more advanced types – that evil-eyed box that greets you each morning – no I don’t mean your TV – your computer.

Think about sections of your career or your tour in the Corps. Certainly, you had high and low lights. [Even the mundane may be interesting 100 years from now!]

For example: I  took my years as a PANCO and picked out certain things and people; then I did a piece on my mentors – again names. Then I did a section dealing with my newspaper experiences at post and station papers, and yes I named names. I wrapped things up with a section on characters I worked with – again more names. Finally, I did the bad times, and we all had them. If you were a photographer we need your photos and captions – again names.

We have a publisher, an editor or three, as well as an overwhelming desire to see this project succeed. We cannot do it without you!
-Jack T. Paxton, Executive Director, email here:

Need help getting started? Click here or use this as a guideline:

What should you write?
Use this as a guidleine to help you get started.
Remember if you have access to a computer,
digital files will be easier to compile.
The deadline for submission is June 15, 2009Name:
Time in the Marine Corps,
and career highlights:

They came, they debated, they judged in the Merit Awards Program

Print category judges for the Merit Awards Program, Mike Rhea, Ron Keene and Dick Truitt examine submissions at the Newseum, Washington D.C. on March 5, 2009. Photo by Sgt. Michael S. Cifuentes.

Print category judges for the Merit Awards Program, Mike Rhea, Ron Keene and Dick Truitt examine submissions at the Newseum, Washington D.C. on March 5, 2009. Photo by Sgt. Michael S. Cifuentes.

By Don Knight, Awards Chair
Fast forward to Sept. 17, 2009. The Marines stepping onto the ballroom stage at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Hampton , Va. are wearing their blues. They are greeted by a Marine officer and are photographed holding a first place plaque as a winner in the annual Merit Awards competition. There is loud applause, cheering.

Judges Rex Stucky, Jim Wallace and John Metelsky discuss the merits of the photgraphy submissions. Photo by Sgt. Michael S. Cifuentes

Judges Rex Stucky, Jim Wallace and John Metelsky discuss the merits of the photgraphy submissions. Photo by Sgt. Michael S. Cifuentes

At the podium MC Pat Coulter, with  his professional discourse, is saying something about the winning entry and the Marine holding the plaque. He has already mentioned that “tonight we are honoring the best of the best.”

This is the USMCCCA’s annual awards conference and banquet, the final act in a nine-month drill that began in early 2009.

A thousand entries in more than 40 categories arrived in January/February at the Corps’ Division of Public Affairs, Pentagon, from all points on the globe, were then screened for compliance with the rules and turned over to 13 volunteers, all but one being civilians, to review, discuss, often argue, then to make judgment.
