Proceedings seeks editor

The United States Naval Institute, a prestigious non profit publisher & membership association in Annapolis, MD is seeking an experienced, hands-on associate editor. The associate editor performs editing duties for Proceedings and Naval History, working with authors to produce the best possible articles. Experience as a line or copy editor is required.

Specific Duties:
• Responsible for multiple columns and articles as assigned.
• Edits manuscripts for accuracy, clarity, presentation, and length. Checks grammar, style, spelling, and punctuation. Pulls out and develops sidebars, if appropriate. Requests and selects illustrations for articles. Verifies or corrects statements and data, including quoted sources. Works with authors to identify and incorporate needed changes and codes manuscript for InDesign.

Sad news for CC Agostino von Hassell

Agostino von Hassell

Agostino von Hassell

All: I was advised last night of the death of Agostino von Hassell’s mother.  I have attached the obituary.  For those of you who do not know Agostino (Omar), he is one of the USMCCCA’s most staunch supporters and benefactors and the driving force behind the re-write of Last to Know, First To Go. A celebration of the lives of his Mother and Brother who died several weeks ago are being held at the New York Athletic Club later today.   I know he would appreciate hearing from his friends. His email address is:

–Jack Paxton
(The Obituary for his mother is published below)
