CCs honored at memorial park

Members of the Central Florida Chapter of the 1st Marine Division Association in front of the memorial.

Members of the Central Florida Chapter of the 1st Marine Division Association in front of the memorial.

The Central Florida Chapter of the 1st Marine Division Association dedicated a plaque at the Ocala-Marion County Veterans Memorial Park on November 9, 2009,  honoring the Division and its many achievements.

Chapter members purchased 58 bricks to make the memorial possible.  Above Jack Paxton, executive director of the USMCCCA and a chapter member, is shown with four of the bricks he purchased honoring his friend and mentor, Bob Morrisey; his golfing buddy, John Funk; his company gunnery sergeant from his days as a CC with the 1st Marine division in Korea, Stan Wawrsyniak, as well has his own personal brick.


Keith Oliver’s book stirs up memories for Don Knight

Standing outside the PA shop at NAS Quincy, MA the morning of reporting for duty. Don Knight is on the far right. He is carrying his toothbrush and comb (I had a lot of  good teeth and hair in those days) and standing on a curb facing the duty officer which makes his 5’7” look like 5’11”.   A big sign nearby reads: “Welcome Weekend Warriors.”  The word Weekend has been  covered with a big X.

Standing outside the PA shop at NAS Quincy, MA the morning of reporting for duty. Don Knight is on the far right. He is carrying his toothbrush and comb ("I had a lot of good teeth and hair in those days") and standing on a curb facing the duty officer which makes his 5’7” look like 5’11”. A big sign nearby reads: “Welcome Weekend Warriors.” The word Weekend has been covered with a big X.

To: Keith Oliver,
OK, I’ve reached Appendix #3 [of Keith Oliver’s book “Command Attention: Promoting Your Organization the Marine Corps Way” ] and will pause long enough to catch my breath and send you some thoughts, scattered with words of praise, about “The Book.”

It’s a great piece of writing (terse, personal, informative, entertaining) and I hope you sell a million copies and that this little gem becomes the guidebook for all communicators of all stripe in the Corps and beyond. I especially enjoyed the words about our information revolution, including that part about the manual typewriter (just kidding).


CCs and Mustangs to recon New Orleans WWII Museum

Norm Hatch

Norm Hatch is featured in the Pacific wing of the National World War II Museum in New Orleans.

Shipmates signed on for the Feb. 28 CC and Mustang  cruise and pre-cruise package will be among the first to visit the new additions at the National World War II Museum in New Orleans.  And with talk of New Orleans as a possible CC conference site in the near future, the following story from USA TODAY should interest CCs.

And did you know, one of our own, CC Norm Hatch, is featured in the Pacific wing of the museum.  If you can’t wait for the CCs to invade New Orleans in conference-force, you can make an early recon with the advance detail of cruisers.  For info call Tom Kerr at 850 897-7743 or email


Day of Remembrance for Marines killed in Beirut in 1982

Warrant Officer Charles W. “Bill” Henderson, Sgt. Steve Whitfield, Sgt. Dave Leutenberger, GySgt. Steve Merrill, SSgt. Jim Hickman, Major Fred “Flash” Lash, Sgt. Eugene Groh, and Cpl Kevin Lane. (Photo by David Hume Kennerley)

Warrant Officer Charles W. “Bill” Henderson, Sgt. Steve Whitfield, Sgt. Dave Leutenberger, GySgt. Steve Merrill, SSgt. Jim Hickman, Major Fred “Flash” Lash, Sgt. Eugene Groh, and Cpl Kevin Lane. (Photo by David Hume Kennerley)

For every Marine who served in Beirut from 1982 through 1984, today is our Memorial Day. It is our Day of Remembrance. On October 23, 1983 an Islamic Terrorist drove a massive truck bomb into a building where several hundred of our brothers slept on a Sunday morning, and killed 241 of them. I warrant to you that this attack and the attack of April 18, 1983 against our United States Embassy in Beirut , truly represent the opening assaults by the enemy in today’s Global War on Terrorism.
