CCHQ is seeking:

If you know the following CCs please tell them to contact CCHQ with their current mailing addresses: Richard S. Beal,  Brainerd, MN Shirley Corley, Sarasota, FL John Deering, Goodlettsville, TN Bart DeVito, Ossining, NY Michael Furgal, Monroe, WI Caryl Hanson, Oakland, CA Stewart J. Johnson, Boise, ID Jason Johnston, Los Read more…

Gee wins MCL Distinguished Citizen Gold Award

Don Gee, Distinguished Citizen Gold Award winner for the Marine Corps League

Don Gee was awarded the Distinguished Citizens Medal Gold by the Marine Corps League’s National Commandant, James Laskey on April 23. Below is his citation:

“… Marine Don H. Gee has been involved in many League activities along with many outside organizations and activities. Marine Gee has held every Detachment office and in the past has held offices at the Department and National levels. He is currently the Detachment Adjutant/Paymaster, Public Relations Officer and Newsletter Editor. He is a member and has been active in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Division Associations. He is also a life member of the American Legion, VFW and the Marine Corps Association. He is a Legion of Honor Member of the Chapel of Four Chaplains. He is a member of the Combat Correspondents Association and is the first person to hold the offices ofChainnan ofthe Board of Directors and President concurrently.


The Director’s Cut: DivPA’s Monthly Newsletter

Col. Bryan Salas

The Director’s Cut: DivPA’s Monthly Newsletter to the Marine Corps’ PA Community is now online you can download it here

Marines –
Today’s commanders must understand the battle of narratives as well as they understand the application of violence. Surrendering the narrative may not have the harsh, immediate, and tangible consequences of the inappropriate application of violence, but it can be deadly over time. For example, public outcry over the abuse of detainees at Abu Ghraib Prison abuse caused the release of known insurgents. These insurgents returned to combat and killed Marines.

The former ISAF commander, as profiled in Rolling Stone Magazine, also failed to win the narrative. Building relationships with the adjacent staffs, our national leaders, allied and coalition leaders, and the media, are keys to winning the understanding and trust necessary for ensuring the national will.


USMCCCA Items for sale

Members Alert:  For several years we have been selling a very few items with a distinctive logo created by Art Director Chuck Beveridge.  I am pleased to announce a new partnership with Queensboro Shirt Factory that will enable us to offer many different items of men’s and women’s clothing at Read more…