Campaign for dedicated members begins

Between now and June 1 we hope to hear from you. This is one more way you can help your Association maintain programs that assist the various active duty Marines including the Wounded Marine Careers Foundation – a program that retrains our warriors in the skills that each of us might have learned many years ago. Your gifts also help support the scholarship funds for members, dependents, and active duty Marines. Consider also the annual Merit Awards Program that recognizes the achievements of our active duty warriors as well as the professional seminars we offer at each annual Conference. We’re not just your “marching and chowder society” organization. We offer something for both active duty and for our “tribal elders.”

Your gift will be recognized several ways this year: First, your dedication in the annual Conference Journal; second Now Hear This ,your quarterly newsletter and, lastly, continuously on our new website, How can you lose? You will be recognized.


Hey, CCs tell YOUR story! CCHQ is updating “Last To Know, First To Go”

Okay, CCs. When Gary Cameron’s “Last To Know, First To Go,” the unofficial history of our merry band, hit the streets in the late 1970s, a lot of us started bitching about names left out, happenings that didn’t, and why didn’t he include anything about the unit I was in and why didn’t he use this photo or that. Some of us liked it, some of us didn’t. Most of us have agreed since, that while a monumental effort, a sequel was needed to bring us up to present day and hopefully correct some of the problems of the original book.

Well, here’s your big chance. Thanks to Life Member Agostino “Omar” VonHassell (as general editor), Don Caetano and Life Member publisher, Dave Biesel, St. Johann Press, we’re going to try it again and this time we will get it right – with your help.

Noted writer Ed Breslin, who has worked with such luminaries as W.E.B. Griffin and Tom Clancy, has been named chief editor. The writers and photographers will be you. If you cooperate, Omar and Ed are promising a book that should have good market appeal, both to us and to the general public. Quite frankly: We hope to knock your socks off! (more…)