Carol Rees, new Foundation Treasurer

Carol Rees, new Foundation Treasurer
John Dodd, Treasurer since the USMCCCA Foundation was revitalized several years ago, will resign that position at the end of the First Quarter, 2012. As most know, he is a master instructor at the Defense Information School (DINFOS) and the time constraints of that job preclude him serving any longer.
In reality, the Foundation is also losing the valuable services of John’s wife, Dale, who is a CPA and has served unofficially as an advisor to the Foundation throughout John’s tenure as Treasurer.
Vicki Turney, Foundation President, expressed her thanks to both Dodds for the tremendous help they have given us as the Foundation moved from infancy to financial stability. “Without their day-to-day hands-on help we certainly could not have achieved our tremendous growth.”
Turney announced that Carol J. Rees of Belleville, IL has volunteered to take on the Treasurer duties and will transition with the John Dodd over the next month or so.
Carol served from 1979 to 1986 as a broadcast journalist with assignments at the Far East Network, Okinawa; MCB Camp Lejeune; MCAS El Toro; FEN, Republic of the Philippines, and MCLB, Barstow.
She has been an active volunteer in many organizations, including: The League of Women Voters, Presbyterian Church USA, North Jersey Information Service and National Association of Parliamentarians. She led a successful petition initiative in Sherwood, Ark., for by-ward election of the city council.
Carol is married to Alan Ables, a retired U.S. Navy public affairs officer. Both have been active with us at the last three USMCCCA Conferences.