Bryan McDonnell – Candidate for Board of Directors
Editors Note: For the first time in many years, we have five candidates for two open seats on the Association’s Board of Directors. We are introducing you to one candidate per day, in no particular order. Please remember to vote via absentee ballot if you cannot be at the annual business meeting in Atlanta Aug. 19-23.
Candidate 1 of 5

Bryan McDonnell
Bryan McDonnell is an active duty Mustang captain, currently serving as the CommStrat and Operations Director at MCRD Parris Island/ERR.
During his enlisted career, McDonnell was a writer and broadcaster at AFN Iwakuni, Japan and MCRC, Quantico, Virginia, as combat correspondent and later as the community relations chief.
Under the MECEP program, he earned a B.A. in English Language and Literature from the University of Maryland, College Park.
After TBS, McDonnell attended the Public Affairs Qualification Course at DINFOS, receiving the Major Megan McClung Award for leadership.
At I MEF, the he led the Production Section as it became the Digital Engagement and News Section. He and his Marines integrate content production and social media efforts to more effectively reach target audiences. McDonnell also supported the New York Media Symposium.
McDonnell next reported to SPMAGTF-CR-CC 17.2 as the CommStrat Officer. He and his six Marines supported SPMAGTF-CR-CC in seven countries and multiple regions in the U.S. Central Command.
McDonnell said, “I hope to bring more active-duty CommStrat Marines into the organization through a modernization of our outreach and marketing efforts, as well as a focus on cutting edge training to drive more active duty personnel to our national symposia. I am happy to serve in whatever capacity is required.”