Bring your laptops to the conference for Computer 101

Published by Jason Fudge on

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Cartoon by Randy Glasbergen,

Kate Stark, webmaster

Kate Stark, webmaster

While you are packing for the conference next week, don’t forget to bring your laptop if you have one. Kate Stark, USMCCCA webmaster will be conducting a two-hour seminar entitled “Computers for Dummies.”

This class is designed for those of you have little to no knowledge of the computer or the internet. It is a very basic course designed to help you increase your skill with the computer,  and introduce you to the internet and

If you have specific problems or concerns you would like to have addressed,  please send Kate a message and she will discuss it during the class. There will be time at the end of the class for questions and answers. All CCs and guests are invited to attend. Please check the schedule when you register.

Categories: Conference