Award-winning photographer Stibbens passes away

Steve Stibbens, named 1963 Military Photographer of the Year by the University of Missouri and National Press Photographers Association.

Steve Stibbens
Bob Bowen writes: The retired ranks of the Marine Corps and the combat correspondents have lost a fighter. GySgt Steve Stibbens hung up his award-winning camera on Sept 19.
His heart gave out on him after 83 years. Steve was the first Marine Combat Correspondent to cover the Vietnam War. He was assigned to the Pacific Stars & Stripes then. The daily serviceman’s newspaper began carrying Steve’s bylined reports from Vietnam in 1963.
Col Donald Dickson, Editor-Publisher of Leatherneck Magazine, presented Stibbens the Bronze Star Medal with Combat V for his coverage of the war for Stripes.
From Stripes, Stibbens went to Leatherneck Magazine. When the Marines landed in Da Nang in March 1965, Steve was quick to follow. Photos he made then and on two later trips for the magazine won for him the title “Military Photographer of the Year” in 1964 and 1965 in judging by DoD, Nikon, the University of Missouri School of Journalism and the National Press Photographers Association.
A portrait of a war-weary Army soldier was recognized as “President’s Choice” in a contest judged by President Lyndon Johnson. Steve left the Corps in 1966 and returned to Vietnam for The Associated Press. Later, Stibbens re-enlisted in the Reserves and retired from the Corps with 20 years service. His beloved wife, Lucy, of 51 years, passed in 2010. He leaves behind one daughter, Suzy.
More information will be posted when available.