Executive director reports from hospital room after having a stroke.
For those of you not on Facebook, on Sept. 4, Kate Stark, executive director of the USMCCCA, was admitted into the Malcom Randall VA Medical Center in Gainesville, Fla., with symptoms of a stroke. She subsequently ended up going to an inpatient Community Living Center at the VA Hospital in Lake City, Fla., for rehabilitation therapy. She was released Sept. 26 with most of her left side mobility restored, though she reluctantly admits she could probably still get her a** kicked in a bar fight. Here is the saga from her Facebook page:
Sept. 11, 2019
So, friends… I had a stroke last Wednesday. I am still in the hospital waiting for space in a physical rehab center because my left side is weak. I am lucky. I can speak and walk but have some issues with my left arm. Being treated VERY well at the Malcolm Randall VA Hospital. Also being looked after by my fabulous family. A very (more…)