Gunnery Sgt. Bill Lisbon, the Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island public affairs chief, pages over old copies of “The Boot” Friday afternoon. Photo by Erin Moody/Beaufort Gazette.
Published: April 21, 2013
By Erin Moody — emoody@beaufortgazette.com
PARRIS ISLAND — You can sense Jack Paxton’s grin even across the phone as he describes how “Iron Mike” once delivered news to the Marines of Parris Island.
“Every Monday, I would be called to the general’s office, and they would kind of hint what they wanted to see in The Boot,” he said.
And occasionally, the “As I See It” column Paxton wrote using Iron Mike as a pseudonym – taken from the famed statue on the Marine Recruit Depot – would reflect those talks with higher-ups. The retired captain is convinced that might have earned him at least one promotion.
But after 70 years, The Boot, the base newspaper, printed its last edition April 12. Paxton, now executive director of the U.S. Marine Corps Combat Correspondents Association and Foundation, called the decision disappointing but not unexpected.
The Jetstream, published by the Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, will continue.
Paxton recalled the old days of publishing The Boot, in the late-1950s, when the newspaper was assembled at The Beaufort Gazette office. He helped lay out the paper to get it ready for publication each Friday.
Paxton said he and “this pink-cheeked young kid” who came to Parris Island from Okinawa would “fight like hell” as they produced the newspaper of record. He still stays in touch with that former first lieutenant – Jim Lehrer, of PBS’ “News Hour” fame.
Lehrer remembers the experience fondly. (more…)