Rosenthal dedication in photos

(left-right) Mr. Jack Withington, Lieutenant Gen. Jan Huly (USMC Ret), Mr. Leonard Cohen, designer of the bronze plaque, Mr. Dale Cook, President of the Joe Rosenthal Chapter of the U.S. Marine Corps Combat Correspondents Association (USMCCCA), and Mr. Tom Graves gather after the plaque dedication ceremony recognizing the achievements of former Associated Press photographer, Joe Rosenthal, held on the 102nd anniversary of his birth, at the Semper Fidelis Memorial Chapel, National Museum of the Marine Corps, Triangle, Va., Oct. 9, 2013. The plaque was presented by the San Francisco Bay Area Joe Rosenthal Chapter of the USMCCCA. Mr. Rosenthal had a long career as a news photographer but his most iconic image was that of the flag raising when the Marines took Iwo Jima during WWII on Feb. 23, 1945, earning him a Pulitzer Prize. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Kathy Reesey/Released)

(left-right) Jack Withington, Lieutenant Gen. Jan Huly (USMC Ret), Leonard Cohen, designer of the bronze plaque, Dale Cook, President of the Joe Rosenthal Chapter of the U.S. Marine Corps Combat Correspondents Association (USMCCCA), and  Tom Graves gather after the plaque dedication ceremony recognizing the achievements of former Associated Press photographer, Joe Rosenthal, held on the 102nd anniversary of his birth, at the Semper Fidelis Memorial Chapel, National Museum of the Marine Corps, Triangle, Va., Oct. 9, 2013. The plaque was presented by the San Francisco Bay Area Joe Rosenthal Chapter of the USMCCCA. Mr. Rosenthal had a long career as a news photographer but his most iconic image was that of the flag raising when the Marines took Iwo Jima during WWII on Feb. 23, 1945, earning him a Pulitzer Prize. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Kathy Reesey/Released)

More photos after the jump


Foundation awards now open for nominations

Foundation to Recognize Innovative Writing, Photography, and Other Artistic Work Preserving Marine Corps History, Traditions, Culture and Service

Dumfries, Va. (October 3, 2013) – The Marine Corps Heritage Foundation is now accepting nominations for its Annual Awards program. Each year the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation presents awards honoring individuals whose outstanding, creative work preserves or highlights an aspect of Marine Corps history, traditions, culture or service. Marines and civilians alike are encouraged to submit their own entries or the distinguished work of others for award consideration. Awards will be presented at the Foundation’s annual ceremony on April 26, 2014. Submissions deadline is January 8, 2014.


Digital/Design Production Editor wanted

This is a multi-faceted and fast-paced position. The digital/design production editor will assist the entire editorial team with the selection and formatting of photos and charts, building and management of daily websites and email alerts. In addition, the digital/design production editor will create RealShare, Real Estate Forum, and Custom-Content promotions. Reporting directly to the VP of Integrated Marketing, the Digital/Design Production Editor will support the editorial team by ensuring all content meets style guidelines and is enhanced with SEO keywords and searchable headlines.


. Assist in Email alert building, testing and deploying process for all AM, Weekly, Breaking News, and Special Focus alerts.

. Work with editors/writers/reporters in the selection, formatting and placement of photos/charts.

. Work with reporters to ensure their articles are well-written.

. Daily monitoring of website to ensure each section contains timely content and relevant images.

. Write headlines and rewrite captions decks as necessary.


Book chronicles WWII Marine cinematographer

REVIEW: My Brother’s Letters
Amazon Paperback:  $$11.59, Kindle:  $5.95
One of the interesting things about this Association is the historical data that turns up from unexpected sources.  Take “My Brother’s Letters,” a self-published paperback (and ebook) written by James Watson and chronicling the action of his Marine cinematographer brother during World War II.

Somewhat like Linda Keaton-Lima’s “War Is Not Just For Heroes,” the dispatches recorded by her dad, CC Red Canup, Watson’s brother, Robert described his training and his combat in letters sent to his family and collected by his mother.  Unlike Red, however, Robert was killed while filming combat action on Okinawa.
