Active Duty|News
New Dinfos student to be interviewed on Fox and Friends
Cpl. Matthew Callahan currently attending the Basic Public Affairs Specialist Course at DINFOS will likely be interviewed Nov. 29 for a segment on the nationally broadcast FOX and Friends morning show. Callahan is a former infantryman/wounded warrior-turned-photojournalist. He uses his Instagram photo blog “bridgingthegap_ ” to show the boots-on-the-ground view Read more…
Jobs available
Defense Media Activity, (Synchronization Center), is looking for a Public Affairs Specialist, GS-1035-13. The Job Opportunity Announcement (DMA-14-991393-MP) opens on Thursday, November 07, 2013, and closes on Wednesday, November 20, 2013. This announcement is open to Status Candidates. For your convenience, the JOA is located at the following website: Read more…
2014 USMCCCA Conference to Oceanside
Following lengthy deliberations with the Los Angeles Chapter, your Board of Directors has unanimously voted to hold our 2014 Annual Conference September 8-11 at the Holiday Inn-Marina, Oceanside, Calif. Conference Chair Bob Long, also President of the LA Chapter, had been working for months with a national committee of President Read more…
Connecticut Marines Celebrate 238th Birthday: Twice!

Don Knight gets first piece of cake as the oldest Marine on hand.
Let’s hear a big shout for the members of the Ridgefield CT. Detachment of the Marine Corps League!
They celebrated the 238th birthday of the Corps on Saturday, Nov. 9. The annual Ball adjourned about 2300 ( that’s 11 p.m. civilian time). But the Detachment reconvened at 1800 (that’s 6 p.m.) the next day, Sunday, Nov. 10, the honest-to-goodness birthday of the Corps, this time at the Detachment headquarters, also with an open bar and carving of a birthday cake. That celebration may still be in progress.
Two members of the USMC Combat Correspondents Association (USMCCCA) were in the spotlight at the first party on Saturday.
Ross: Longtime CC Charlie Ross Passes In Winter Park
CCHQ was advised November 6 of the death of longtime CC and Florida Chapter member Charles “Charlie” Ross, a resident of Winter Park, FL. Charlie, a retired gunnery sergeant, was in the photographic field his entire career. He served with a motion picture team in Vietnam in 1966-67.
DoD Production Director wanted
Defense Media Activity, (Production Component), is looking for a DoD Production Director, GS-1001-15. The Job Opportunity Announcement (DMA-14-988470-B) opens on Monday, November 04, 2013, and closes on Monday, November 18, 2013. This announcement is open to US Citizens and Status Candidates. For your convenience, the JOA is located at the Read more…
Update on Pat Coulter
Update on Pat Coulter from his wife Jerie (she calls him Graham) “Dearest Family and Friends, Graham looks like he is back in boot camp. The “jack of all trades” care nurse gave him a great shave and a real Marine Corps buzz… He had a lot of family around Read more…
Old Corps
This Week in History: October 28, 1962
At MCAS Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, I had just lit the barbecue grill when my phone rang. “Gunny, meet me at the office” ordered Maj. Bob Morrisey. Ten minutes later he and I were huddling with an op plan calling for the 4th Marines to immediately standby for immediate deployment to Read more…
Coulter update: Some good news
Jerie Coulter posted this Oct. 16: “I can’t wait to share the good news. Graham does not need a shunt. His latest scan continues to show his body is able to absorb the fluid in his brain. In my heart and mind I believe this is a miracle. I am Read more…