Kyser: Beloved Life member and Lucas Chapter Treasurer passes
Beloved Life member and Lucas Chapter Treasurer, Jim Kyser passed away yesterday.
Beloved Life member and Lucas Chapter Treasurer, Jim Kyser passed away yesterday.
CCHQ received one of the best plaudits yet for the 2013 Journal, Sunday night. Bernice Stavisky, wife of the late Sam Stavisky, called raving about the suburb Journal she had received. As Bernice always has said, she conducts nightly “talks” with Sam and she is sure he would love to Read more…
I need your assistance in locating a Marine Corps combat correspondent, and an article in the old SEA TIGER. Hopefully, the correspondent is still alive. During January 1969, in Vietnam, he was known as Sgt R. E. STAFF. His service number is 2311049. He was attached to HqBn, 1st Mar Read more…
Judy Jones won an unprecedented four Thomas Jefferson Awards in a row as editor of Camp Pendleton’s “The Scout” newspaper. Now she has written a gut-wrenching account of her struggles as the primary care giver for her mother who suffered from dementia. “If I Forget” is an easy read that Read more…
Sadly, Stephen Gude lost his battle with cancer Feb 2, 2014. He was well-loved by many of our members. More information as it becomes available. Some Facebook posts: Victoria Turney: rest in peace my friend… Lynda Johnson Baker: I truly loved this man. My heart is broken. Victoria Turney: so sad Read more…
Our first journal not distributed at the annual conference is in the mail. Unfortunately, our brilliant art director Chuck Beveridge, had to give it up, due to health reasons. Hope you enjoy what we put together.
There are two openings on the Communications team at the Pew Charitable Trusts in Washington, D.C. Communications Officer for Advertising Strategy Communications Operations Assistant
Staff Sgt. Joshua M. Souza, Basic Multimedia Reproduction Course instructor at the Defense Information School (DINFOS), reads his poem “Remember the King” at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday observance. Souza placed first in a DINFOS poetry contest. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Gregory N. Juday/Released)
The poem below was written by Marine Corps DINFOS Visual Information instructor SSgt Joshua M. Souza in commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King. It earned 1st Place among all the students, faculty and staff who entered the contest. Souza and the top three poets narrated their poems in the DINFOS Hall of Heroes today at noon. DINFOS Commandant Col. Jeremy Martin, U.S. Army, praised the offerings as some of the finest Memorials to Dr. King that he has ever witnessed.
Remember the King
Re-live, reflect, remember, respect, Move forward… but never forget.
Some chose to sit, while others chose to stand, Long after their families had escaped the brand, Created equal and free, yet unable to be, These warriors of justice fought for nothing but peace.
Re-live, reflect Remember, respect, Move forward…but never forget.
Vicente T. “Ben” Blaz, who survived a Japanese prison camp during World War II and later became a Marine Corps brigadier general and Guam’s representative in Congress, died Jan. 8. For more go to the Washington Post Website.