Deadline May 31 for Scholarship Applications

There are two categories of USMCCCA scholarship grants available:

• The Gladys McPartland Scholarship for general studies
• The USMCCCA Brigadier General Robert L. Denig Foundation Scholarship for studies leading to a degree in Communications.

Scholarship Instructions and Application can be downloaded here

 Applicants for both scholarships must meet the requirements below:

1. A member of the Association; member’s dependent (to include spouse); any active duty Marine in occupational field 4300 or 4600 (and related MOS). In the case of an active duty Marine applicant he or she must agree to become a member of the USMCCCA upon selection and remain a member throughout the lifetime of the approved scholarship. (more…)

CCHQ wants these Marines

CCHQ would appreciate hearing from members who correspond with the below listed former CCs.  We need their email addresses to attempt to bring them into our Association.  If you have their email addresses, please send or contact CCHQ ASAP.  Thanks. Tom Griggs Beth Newman Claudia-LaMantia Linda Reiter Haymond-Bock Judy Jones Read more…

Service for Gen Mundy, 30th Commandant of the Marine Corps

General Carl E. Mundy, Jr., 30th Commandant of the Marine Corps and friend of the USMCCCA.

General Carl E. Mundy, Jr., U.S. Marine Corps, Retired, 30th Commandant of the Marine Corps, passed away on April 3, 2014. He was honored in a Military Tribute at The Marine Corps War Memorial in Arlington, Va., April 12th. Funeral and burial services will be held at the First United Methodist Church and Greenhill Cemetery, both in Waynesville, NC, at 1400, Saturday, 19 April 2014. LtCol Jim Diehl, US Marines (ret), recounts his experience at the tribute. Diehl is a loyal friend of the USMCCCA, earning a DPA for open category in 1988 and was a 2008 conference panelist (Beirut).

An archive photo of Lt. Col. and Mrs. Jim Diehl, USMC (ret) who were among the guests at the DINFOS Birthday Ball. Diehl, a career infantry officer, was a 1988 USMCCCA DPA recipient and a guest speaker for the 2009 Annual Conference in San Antonio. (Photo by Claire Kelly)

The question of how to honor exemplary members of a tribe or nation is not new.  Those familiar with Scripture may recall King Nebuchadnezzar asking Haman: “What shall be done to bestow honor upon one to whom the King wishes to honor?”  And Haman offers suggestions that involve horses, raiment, and a parade….

Well, I’ve marched in the funerals of two US presidents—but truthfully, my most vivid recollections are (1) that it is difficult to march at a dirge pace; and, (2) it was bitterly cold on one at least one of those events.  So I wasn’t sure what to expect on the lawn in front of the War Memorial for the funeral of General Carl E. Mundy, the 30th Commandant of the Marine Corps.  At least this was a clear, crisp Spring day; and it was just beginning to get warm as the crowd grew in the mid-morning sun.

To deal with the vagaries of Washington traffic and parking at the peak of cherry blossom time, LtCol Don Thieme and I got there early, which provided a chance to see many old friends and not a few giants of the Corps.
