Manny Pacheco, president, USMCCCA
A heartfelt greeting and special thanks to all my fellow CCs for entrusting me with the stewardship of our organization. I am humbled by the outpouring of support.
Let me begin by thanking our outgoing President Bill Hauptfleisch for his hard work and dedication over the past two years. Let me also express my thanks to the many folks who work behind the scenes (board members, our executive director, our web master and others) to ensure we continue to march. Our organization is at a crossroads and it will take some patience and perseverance to ensure that we take the right approach so that both our Association and our Foundation remain strong, ready and relevant, not only to us CCs of yesterday but also to the warrior story tellers of today and tomorrow.
Over the course of the next year I want to dedicate myself to finding creative and innovative ways of not just increasing our membership, but just as important (if not more so) to figure out ways to get the more than 400 members on our roles to play a more active role in their organization. The first step of that endeavor is to ask each of you to pledge to do one thing this year, not for me, not for the CCs, but for your fellow Marines and for our Corps.