After the Corps: Lydia Davey

Compiled by Amy Forsythe Lydia Davey, 33, San Francisco, Calif. When did you serve in the U.S. Marine Corps? Combat correspondent, 2003-2010. Sergeant. Deployment: Afghanistan from 2006-2007 Awards: Photo of the Year in 2006 Education: B.A. in Communications from Indiana University in 2013 Current employer: Apple, Inc. Past:  CEO of Read more…

A leader leads

Legacy combat camera leader CWO3 Paul Mancuso is the latest warrior-coach to jump into his professional association with both feet, becoming a USMCCCA life member last month. “It seemed like a good investment, being that I am in my thirties,” he joked.  “My grandfather bought his first membership into the Read more…

“First to Go” Book is Ready to Go!

Pre-order your copy today!

Pre-order your copy today!

After more than a few setbacks, our updated history is now ready to go. The 295-page edition traces us from our beginnings in World War II through the Gulf Wars. In our first edition two years ago we only had a few of the original photos from “Last To Know, First To Go.” In this edition we have added more than 70 photos.

Our USMCCCA webmaster Kate Stark is again publishing the names of those named in the book. Even if your name is not listed in the index, you may be mentioned in a photo caption. We will also place this notice on Face Book.

The book will sell for $33 to members and $40 for non-members. You can use the button below or send a check or credit card info to CCHQ at 110 Fox Court, Wildwood, FL 34785. Make your payments to the USMCCCA not the USMCCCA Foundation. Through the largesse of our publishers, Dave and Diane Biesel, St. Johann Press, the Association will realize $10 for each book sold.

If you have pre-ordered, your names have been sent to St. Johann Press. All books will be mailed to you from their New Jersey headquarters

Book Prices (includes S&H)

Index of names included in the book
Abel, Jon, 116
Abizaid, John, 231
Abrams, Mike, 109
Acosta, Frank, 6
Adams, Arthur H., 61
Adreon, Franklin “Pete,” 255
Agostino, Luis, 215, 226
Aideed, Mouhamad Farrah,
185, 190
Aiken, LaDonna, 262–270
