We mourn, we remember

Then Major Kevin Shea was killed during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2004.
Dear Readers,

PFC Thomas J. Bayes, 19, of Whitestone, N.Y., was killed in action in Vietnam, April 7, 1968. A few days after his June 1967 graduation from high school, he enlisted in the Marine Corps. Following boot camp, he deployed to Okinawa and from there went to Vietnam.
For the last several years, Paul G. Bayes has sent the obituary of his younger brother, Thomas, into the Leatherneck office, hoping we will publish it in the magazine. Private First Class Thomas J. Bayes was killed in Vietnam while serving with 2nd Battalion, 26th Marines 50 years ago. And his brother, himself a Navy veteran, remembers.
Several of the thousands of awards the Marine Corps Association & Foundation presents each year are namesake awards, presented in honor of outstanding Marines who made a significant impact on the Corps.
One such award is the LtCol Kevin Shea Memorial Unit of the Year Award given in honor of then-Major Shea who was killed during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2004.
His wife, Ami, and their children, daughter, Second Lieutenant Brenna Shea, and son, Michael, often attend the award presentation to the deserving unit in honor of their husband and father. They remember.